How to hire Vue.js developers

In need of building a fast web application for your project but struggling to find the right developer? Then hiring a skilled Vue.js engineer is the right choice for you! This article will guide you and answer any questions about finding and hiring “The” Vue.js developer. 

What is Vue.js?

To begin with, let’s clarify what Vue.js is. Vue.js is an open-source JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications. It is progressively implementable and can be a library or an extensive framework. Vue.js provides programmers with robust features to help them build powerful web applications with minimal effort. 

Additionally, this framework component system allows developers to create custom UI components. They can be reused across projects, making it easy to maintain consistent codebases and remain time-efficient. Its single-file components allow developers to separate their HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into dedicated files within the same project folder. 

Lastly, Vue.js’s large community of contributors ensures that it stays up-to-date with all modern web development trends. Your applications will always remain relevant, no matter what changes occur in the technology landscape over time. 

Who is a Vue.js developer?

This is a very simple question to answer. Vue.js programmer is in charge of front-end tasks and specializes in creating an external look of software web and mobile apps. Vue.js experts use the Vue JavaScript framework to add components and features to existing projects and debug code.

Why do you need Vue.js developers? 

Vue.js framework is easy to curb. If your product is about to be launched, but you don’t have an application to sell it yet, building with Vue.js can set it up and running in no time. Vue.js allows developers to create complex, interactive user interfaces with minimal effort. The code can be reused for other projects within a company. For instance, when you aim to create a cross-platform app, save tons of time. Although it allows you to build an application quickly, it keeps the quality of your code, application, and performance high. 

If creating a sophisticated, user-friendly, and interactive application fast is your case, then looking to hire a Vue.js developer should be your top priority. 

Benefits of integrating Vue.js into your project

  1. Easy to learn and integrate.

Vue.js is very easy to learn and use, even for beginner developers. It has a straightforward structure makes it easy to understand and develop applications. Additionally, it can be easily integrated into existing projects or web applications;

  1. Lightweight framework.

Vue.js weighs only 18-21KB in production mode, making it one of the most lightweight frameworks available today, allowing you to create fast-loading user interfaces with fewer resources than other frameworks would require;

  1. Flexible architecture. 

One of the main advantages of using Vue.js is its flexible architecture that allows developers to create single-page web apps as well as complex enterprise-level systems by combining different components together seamlessly in an organized manner according to their needs;

  1. Speed & Performance.

The virtual DOM (Document Object Model) algorithm enables Vue.js apps to load faster compared with other similar JavaScript frameworks. This happens due to its ability to efficiently render changes on the UI without affecting any underlying data structures. Therefore making Vue.js perfect for creating real-time applications such as chat rooms or online gaming platforms where time is a priority; 

  1. Two-way communication.

Vue.js framework provides a two-way data binding feature, which allows developers to easily manipulate the view layer in response to user interactions and vice versa. As a result, it is easier for engineers to create interactive UIs with dynamic components that respond quickly and accurately;

  1. Reactive components.

Vue.js utilizes reactive components, which, in its turn, are essentially self-contained bits of code. They can update themselves any time new data is passed into them, with no need for manual intervention from the developer. Consequently, the application remains updated whenever you add new features or make changes; 

  1. Support for server-side rendering.

Vue.js supports server-side rendering, allowing developers to create SEO-friendly web applications that can be identified and indexed by search engines. Hence, making it easier for your applications to rank higher in search engines; 

  1. Excellent community support.

The active Vue.js community can help your developer for free whenever an issue doesn’t seem to have a simple solution. At the same time, community presence makes it easy to start with Vue.js and advance to building complex and highly- interactive applications with no issues;

  1. ES5 to ES6 with Babel. 

ES5 is the standard version of JavaScript that most Vue.js applications are built on. However, developers may need to utilize ES6 for their Vue.js projects to access newer browser capabilities. Babel can translate ES6 code into a compatible form of ES5 so that developers can incorporate new functions without worrying about browser compatibility issues.

What skills should a Vue.js developer possess? 

Assessing Vue.js candidates’ skills is an integral part of the hiring process. Creating a list of the qualifications and requirements a candidate has to possess helps employers ensure the person they are hiring can do the job. Lists of technical and soft skills are meant to provide an understanding if the developer is a good fit for the role and the company culture, as well as make it possible to identify potential areas of improvement for the developer and provide guidance to help them become successful in their position. While a Vue.js candidate can be an ace in programming, there is little profit from it without good communication and time-management skills. Therefore, remember the importance of soft skills when conducting an interview.

Technical skills:

  • JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. 

Vue.js is a front-end web development framework that heavily depends on these three technologies for building an application. Respectively, a Vue.js developer has to have a strong knowledge of all three to be able to work with the framework’s components and templates effectively;

  • Webpack/Babel.

Knowledge of tools like Webpack or Babel can help developers speed up development by automating tasks such as compilation or transpiring code from one language to another for compatibility across different browsers;

  • Vue APIs.

Understanding Vue APIs is essential because they provide access to the framework’s core functionality. Thus, allowing programmers to build robust applications with minimal effort. Knowing how different parts of an application can interact, developers can quickly identify and fix errors or improve performance as needed;

  • Debugging/Testing.

Knowing how to test an application is critical for any professional software engineer. This skill includes writing unit tests using popular libraries such as Jest, MochaChai, etc., debugging issues during development stages, and optimizing application’s performance before publishing them; 

  • Vue CLI.

Vue CLI adds a hot reloading feature, enabling developers to make changes without re-run their entire application each time they update. It also helps to ensure that projects are built consistently across different development teams.

Soft skills: 

  • Problem-solving.

Successful Vue.js developer has to have a problem-solving mindset since they will often need to figure out solutions for complex issues on the spot;

  • Time- and self-management.

This skill is essential for remote developers, where you will have little control over their performance. Being able to plan a day and prioritize tasks is half of the success, while not panicking or quitting if any issue arises will facilitate the project’s efficiency;

  • Attention to detail.

Vue.js developers must pay close attention to detail during coding applications so that all components function correctly. This will save time during debugging and testing stage;

  • Good communication.

Being able to communicate well with both technical and non-technical colleagues is essential for a successful Vue.js developer. They will often work on projects that require collaboration between departments or teams of people from different backgrounds and skill levels;

  • Adaptability.

Since technology constantly evolves, it’s essential for a Vue.js programmer to keep up with trends and adapt quickly when necessary to stay competitive in the industry.

What are Vue.js developer rates?

Vue.js developer rates vary widely depending on several factors, such as experience level, location, and specific skill sets. For instance, a skilled Vue.js developer in New York will earn 50 USD to 70 USD per hour, or a median annual salary of 106,000 USD.

If we move East, the same Vue.js developer in San Francisco will be making 55 USD to 75 USD hourly or a yearly average of 115,000 USD.  

The compensation you will be providing your Vue.js programmer also depends on whether you choose to outsource or hire an in-house developer, thus having to provide vacations, sick leaves, cover office rent and equipment costs, etc. Hiring a remote Vue.js developer is actually a wiser decision to make. However, you have to know where to find Vue.js developers. 

How to interview a Vue.js developer?

Live interviews are an essential part of the hiring process when looking for a developer. This is because they allow real-time observation of the candidate’s communication and problem-solving skills. Additionally, it allows you to ask more specific questions about the candidate’s experience, understanding of the project, and ability to work with a team. Ultimately, live interviews are important when hiring a developer because they allow employers to understand better the candidate’s qualifications, skills, and potential for success within a company, as well as to see whether they will fit the inner culture. 

When conducting a live interview, keep in mind to pay close attention to the areas listed below:

1. Education

Quite always, companies skip the education diploma. However, this shouldn’t be the case with developers. Although, it doesn’t mean that without a Computer science degree, a developer can’t become a master of their job. At the same time, a Vue.js programmer who has a degree in Computer science or any related field equals to having an understanding of computer schemes, algorithms, and network functions. This, in its turn, expands a capacity for decision-making. Therefore, if you don’t require a university degree, make sure to check the Vue.js developer’s basic computer knowledge; 

2. Certification

People choose to attend courses to expand their knowledge and remain in demand. While, often, a university degree gets acquired as a mandatory stage of afterschool education, the pursuit of certification shows a personal desire and motivation to be better and eager to learn. Which, consequently, is an integral part of the fast-evolving software development market; 

3. Experience

Pay attention not only to the presence of experience but to its quality. What tools were used, how was a project approached, what solutions were applied, and what results were received? In case a candidate doesn’t have any experience, yet seems promising, assess their skills by providing a test task; 

4. Project portfolio

In addition to the previous paragraph, if a candidate possesses an extended list of previous projects, take time to analyze them and see how the skills applied to them could be transferred onto your project; 

5. Client references

This remains a crucial part of the Vue.js developer interview. Don’t just stick to written references, try to reach out to developer’s clients via phone or video. While a written reference can be thought through and planned, a phone conversation can provide more honest feedback, pointing at the things that were missed in the written one. While on the phone, you may ask them to evaluate the developer’s job and overall performance, ask about their improvement areas, and what, if any, in their attitude seemed like a red flag; 

6. Test task

Last but not least, provide test tasks to assess developers’ technical skills to evaluate how well they could perform company duties. For example, you can ask a Vue.js candidate to create a simple Vue.js application that displays an array of objects in a list format and allows users to filter the list by entering text into a search box. Or implement routing functionality using Vue-router so that users can navigate between different parts of your application without page reloads or refreshes while also keeping track of navigation history like back button support, etc. 

Eight steps on how to choose the best Vue.js developer?

Step 1: Define your project requirements

Take your time identifying project specifications and requirements because it will be a good starting point for finding a Vue.js developer that is the right fit. This step should include identifying the project’s scope, setting measurable objectives, mapping out tasks, and developing a timeline and budget. This will help to narrow down Vue.js developer options on the market. 

Step 2: Create a list of hiring resources

When you know who your developer is, you may write a list of companies or platforms that could be a good source of information and candidates. You are now looking at crowdsourcing, bidding, and non-bidding platforms. Know the difference, crowdsource and bidding platforms don’t have a specialized vetting process to verify their development talent; therefore, it might take longer time through trial and error to find the right candidate there. Non-bidding platforms, like, have a strict vetting procedure specifically developed to vet programmers and ensure only the best of the best are offered for your project. Lastly, they are much more time-efficient and don’t require months to provide a Vue.js developer for your startup, or what’s worse, make you look for them on your own. 

Step 3: Cut it down

Once you got your list of companies, it is time to dig into it and cut it down to one or three companies that you consider a potential source of the best Vue.js developer. Check out platforms’ and companies’ websites to see how they operate, read reviews, reach out to them via phone or email, consider developers’ rates and how long it would take to hire them, etc. In other words, narrow it down as much as you can. Or don’t. Contact us at – we have it all set for you! 

Step 4: Explore commercial proposals 

Reach out to the potential Vue.js developers from your shortlist and schedule a meeting for them to present their commercial proposal. Ask each of them how they approach the project, and development process, estimate its duration and cost, and any other details relevant to the job. As communication progresses, some developers may adjust their offers depending on the project’s complexity – a simple part of doing business.

Step 5: Compare salaries 

A tight budget is a usual case for a startup; therefore, comparing salaries is important. However, do not set for the lowest offer or an offer that looks too good to be true because that might eventually cost you more time and money. Remain reasonable or look at offshore options for Vue.js development. 

Step 6: Shortlist and conduct interviews 

Once you have identified the qualified candidates that fit your requirements and budget, move on to the next hiring process step – interviews. In the paragraph above, we discussed what to pay attention to during an interview and identified key technical and soft skills a candidate should possess. Consider taking notes during an interview to reflect on them when making a decision. 

Step 7: Select your partner 

The final stage is to reach out to the one and only Vue.js developer. Get with them on a call to discuss final details, the probation period and the starting date of onboarding, how the communication will be handled, and offer a competitive salary. 

Step 8: Make an offer.

Along with offering a competitive salary, think of other perks and benefits you could reward your Vue.js programmer with. It could be a home office bonus or gym membership, paid vacation and sick leave days, or access to programming courses for them to grow professionally and apply new knowledge to boost the project. 

Time is at stake, and hiring on your own will take months? Hire with! is the platform for vetted developers. Here, we can match you with a skilled developer from another country with lower hourly rates within two to three working days. Our talent pool counts developers from all over the world: Ukraine, Poland, Argentina, the UK, Moldova, Romania, Germany, etc., and the list can go on! We are confident we have a developer matching your requirements, time zone, and budget. 

Hold on! Besides attractive rates, we got plenty more to offer: 

  • Quick matching. Within 48 hours of your request, we will provide you with the right candidate from our pool of vetted talent; 
  • Vetted developers. Unlike big crowdsource platforms, at, a Vue.js developer, in order to be listed in our database, must pass a thorough four-step vetting procedure. So, we are confident we got only the best to offer; 
  • Hardworking Customer Success team. Our team will prep a smooth and painless onboarding for you while also following up throughout the project if any issues arise; 

Lastly, but most importantly, we are time-efficient. Why? Because on average, it takes up to six months to find, hire, and onboard a developer on your own, whereas with, just 48 hours and you can start working with the Vue.js programmer of your dreams. Minimal bureaucracy will be a pleasant surprise, as there is no need to hustle and sign tens of papers before onboarding our dev. 

The choice is yours! 


Vue.js is a powerful and versatile JavaScript framework gaining traction among web developers. It is easy to learn and use and provides powerful features such as reactivity, composable components, and server-side rendering. With robust documentation and support, Vue.js has become a go-to solution for creating modern web applications in no time. 

When limited time is the case, looking to hire a skilled Vue.js developer is a wise move to make. However, remember that only platforms for vetted developers, like, will solve your time deficiency, thanks to fast and efficient matching practices. 

Not ready for a six-months long employment process? Come with us! 


  • What are the advantages of Vue.js?

    Vue.js is a growing JavaScript framework that has many advantages over its competitors. It is lightweight and provides high performance due to its virtual DOM implementation, making it faster than other frameworks such as Angular and React. Its modular design makes it easy to use with existing projects or create entirely new ones from scratch without too much effort. Vue.js also offers two-way data binding, which allows for seamless changes across the app when data updates occur; this eliminates much of the code needed for manual updates in other frameworks like Angular and React. Finally, Vue’s learning curve is one of the most gentle among all front-end frameworks, making it ideal for beginners who want to get up and running quickly with their development project.

  • In-house vs. Outsourced Vue.js developer?

    We say outsource due to its extended list of benefits. For you to decide for yourself, we have a great article that will answer this question.

  • How popular is Vue.js?

    Vue.js is one of the most popular front-end development frameworks in use today. According to recent statistics from Stack Overflow, Vue.js was the second most popular JavaScript framework for 2020, with 35.4% of respondents using it (coming behind React at 62%). It has also been cited as the fastest growing javascript library in terms of GitHub stars and NPM downloads over the past year.

  • Why is Vue.js so popular among programmers?

    Vue.js is becoming increasingly popular among developers due to its ease of use, flexibility, and scalability. It is a progressive framework that can be used for building both small and large-scale applications. Its component-based architecture allows developers to create custom components with minimal effort, while its virtual DOM technology ensures fast performance in web browsers. Additionally, Vue.js has an active community that provides helpful answers to questions on forums and chatrooms as well as regular updates, which keep the framework up-to-date with modern trends in web development. Finally, the fact that it’s open source makes Vue.js very accessible for any developer looking for a powerful yet easy-to-use JavaScript library or framework.

  • What is the average salary of a Vue.js developer worldwide?

    The salary of a Vue.js developer worldwide varies greatly, depending on experience and location. According to PayScale, the average yearly salary for a Vue.js developer is 106,000 USD in the United States. In other countries like Canada and Australia, salaries tend to range between 50,000 USD – 90,000 USD annually depending on experience level and city or region in which they work. In the United Kingdom, a Vue.js developer’s salary sets between 50,000 – 70,000 USD annually, while in Easter European countries like Ukraine, Bulgaria, or Romania, a Vue.js programmer’s salary can range between 45,000 USD and 65,000 USD per year.