Hire Laravel developers
Forget exhausting sourcing and screening the wrong candidates.
Hire fast and on budget—place a request, interview 1-3 curated developers, and get the best one onboarded by next Friday. Full-time or part-time, with optimal overlap.
How to hire a Laravel developer through Lemon.io
Place a free request
Tell us about your needs
Interview the best
Onboard the chosen one
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What we do for you
Sourcing and vetting
Arranging cooperation
Support and troubleshooting
Why search for Laravel developers for hire with Lemon.io?
You need to hire a Laravel developer who will help you move forward on your roadmap, not slow you down. But finding certainty in hiring is almost impossible, leaving you second-guessing every decision. Find confidence in hiring with Lemon.io’s senior dev pipeline.
Better talent
Your next dev will have to pass through four steps of vetting before you even see their CV.
Faster timelines
You’ll get a list of devs that match your needs just 48 hours after meeting your matching manager.
Confident decisions
Your decision is backed by our replacement guarantee. If your dev doesn’t meet expectations, we’ll match you with another for free.
FAQ about hiring Laravel developers
How much does a Laravel developer cost?
According to Talent.com, the average hourly cost for a Laravel developer in the US is $53,94.
What is the annual salary of Laravel developers?
According to Talent.com, the average annual Laravel developer salary in the US is $112,200 per year.
What is the maximum salary in Laravel?
The highest average salary a Laravel developer can get in Cloud Infrastructure is around $175,000.
Where to hire Laravel developers?
You can find Laravel developers on LinkedIn, job boards, freelance platforms, through Laravel development companies, and via referrals and recommendations. Lemon.io can connect you with a skilled professional within 48 hours if you need a quick solution.
How much does a Laravel project cost?
The price can start at $5,000 for a simple site or app and go up to $300,000 for a big project with advanced features. There are also other costs to consider.
Is Laravel still relevant in 2024?
Yes, Laravel is still relevant in 2024 due to its functionalities, simplicity, and backup of a strong community in 2024. It meets all the requirements for modern PHP practices, security, and performance making apps secure, and efficient. Due to the constant development of new technologies and the high compatibility of the framework with different services, it is widely used by both start-ups and large businesses.
What is the no-risk trial period for hiring a Laravel developer on Lemon.io?
Lemon.io provides up to 20 prepaid risk-free hours with our Laravel developers to review how they complete real tasks on your projects. Otherwise, it is a zero-risk replacement guarantee: if the previous developer doesn’t meet your expectations or misses deadlines, we will find a new one for your project.
Why is it so hard to find good Laravel developers?
Finding good Laravel developers is tough since there is high demand and competition, a wide range of skill levels, and a need for specialized knowledge in PHP and modern practices. The frequent updates to Laravel require developers to learn and adapt relentlessly. The expectation for full-stack capabilities narrows the pool of qualified candidates even further.
How quickly can I hire a Laravel developer through Lemon.io?
You can hire a Laravel developer through Lemon.io in 48 hours. All the developers have already passed our vetting process, including VideoAsk, their me.lemon profile completion, a screening call with our recruiters including various technical questions, and a technical interview with our developers. We will ensure a fast and comfortable hiring process while matching you with the best Laravel developers in the industry, as only 1% of applicants are accepted into our community.
Which company is best for Laravel development?
You can check the list of top Laravel development companies of 2024 on DesignRush.
Q&A about hiring Laravel developers
- Is Laravel for PHP only?
- Which is better, .NET or Laravel?
- What is the role of middleware in a Laravel application?
- Which is better, Django or Laravel?
- Can Laravel be integrated with Front-end frameworks like Vue.js or React?
- How does Laravel facilitate RESTful API development?
- Is Laravel better than Python?
- Is Laravel Full-stack?
- How does Laravel enhance security in web applications?
- How does Laravel support database migrations and seeding?
- Which is better, PHP or Laravel?
- What is Laravel used for?
- What are the key features of Laravel that make it popular among developers?
- Is Laravel Front-end or Back-end?
- Is Laravel better than WordPress?
Find Laravel developers for hire to add a powerful tool to your toolkit.
Hire Laravel developers who can use the language’s powerful tools and features to quickly create high-quality applications and websites for your startup.
Laravel offers advanced security features that are easy to set up, enhancing website security and protecting against hackers.
High performance
Laravel-developed websites handle requests faster than most other frameworks. This improves server performance and can reduce hosting costs.
Laravel’s extensive, pre-installed libraries support a variety of advanced features, so your devs can implement almost any idea without significant cost.
Automated testing
Laravel’s built-in testing features and PHPUnit support allow devs to easily test fundamental user behavior and analyze results efficiently.