//clients you’ll fall in love with, projects you’ll brag about, money conceived in freedom

lemon hero

Why work with us?

eye finger

Honest hourly rates

choose projects

Justice for all, not just clients


No sales, just coding

Is this a cult?

lemon cult

We worship the incredible unions our clients form with our freelance developers.

Some say these are the matches made in heaven.
But we know they are made in Kyiv

by our awesome team. you’ll get to meet them during the application process. our acquisition specialists will lead you through all the stages of testing.


Don’t worry, our vetting process is simple and straightforward.


Start by registering. We’ll review your application & get in touch

dots dots dots mobile
live interview

then, a live interview with both tech and non-tech questions so we can know each other better

dots two dots mobile
icon skills

The final reckoning? tech interview by one of best devs

dots three dots mobile
rocket start

That’s it. You’re all ready to start your first project.

Joining Lemon is easy, but not too easy. This is true for everyone, not just developers. Our clients have to match the standards too.

Imagine how cool it’s going to be to work with Matt:

guy face

// startup founder

Matt founded his startup 2 years ago after quitting his job at FAANG and built his MVP from scratch with his own two hands.

His company is growing rapidly and he now needs an extra pair of hands to help him deliver new features on time.

He’s ready to trust you the real stuff, not monkey tasks.

You won’t have
to dumb down

when you talk to Matt and will work directly with him and his team. No one in between.

baby yoda

Work with clients you won’t need to babysit

You’re not a sales manager, are you? You’re a developer.

A good one. Not a salesperson

The cake pic

We get it!

That’s why we take care of all the boring stuff and sales process. Just show up for the pre-launch interview with the client and jump right in.

Forget about the sales. Forget about those boring, endless, soul-crushing negotiations. They don’t exist for you in our world.

You still get to choose

tinder pic

we will only offer projects that match your tech skills, experience and availability. but you will always have the final word before making the final decision and starting work on the project.

  • The task doesn’t seem challenging enough?
  • Didn’t click with the client?
  • The load is bigger than you can handle at the moment?

No problem, we’ll get you a better one!

Allergic to working for peanuts?

We will meet your hourly rate expectations at the market average, based on your skills and experience.

small salary pic

What are our commissions?

You get the exact money you earned, same time every month.

We won’t take anything from you.

At all.

We swear on our only eye. eye pic

Those are the clients who cover the fees.

Are you the chosen one?
These are the signs:

hand devs experience experience label
hand devs phone booth english level
hands need free hands hands devs available devs
communication hand chosen devs clear communication
yellow hand hand chosen devs desire to escape

Sounds about right?
Don’t be shy

Become the part of a bigger story.
Join the exclusive community of the coolest developers and enjoy the freedom of being yourself 24/7. Like these two:

video of the dev
play video
// ann, full-stack javascript developer
video with dev
play video
// roman, senior python developer

Impressive, but do you work with teams? We do

// if you represent a devs team, apply here

dev teams

Don’t get lost in the sea of opportunities, don’t get eaten by sharks — we’ll lead you by hand!

In the world of remote programmers' jobs, can become your best friend. Imagine just doing what you love and delegating all your dreaded tasks to a professional who is excellent at it. Let our sales team do the selling for you, our negotiators do the negotiating, and our matching team does the search for a perfect client fit. And you? — Just do what you love the most — coding! Isn’t it juicy?

Meet a shining side of freelance job!

We offer remote jobs for web developers who value their time. No more freelancer nightmares! You can forget about client ghosting, time trackers, and payment issues. Get your work done — you get paid for it. It’s that simple. Easy-peasy-lemon-squeazy!

Think that going to the office is evil? — We absolutely agree!

Have you seen those images of a work-from-home software developer enjoying his space, time, and freedom? That could be you! With, you get those remote software engineering jobs you have dreamed about ever since the corporate became less a paradise and more a snare.

Got any questions? — Get juicy answers!

If you still have doubts about working remotely and freelancing, we can answer all our questions — just contact us. Jobs for software developers might be hard to get for some, but we are masters at finding you the best projects at a competitive price. Here is to our future successful partnership! Press the button here and change your life.