
    Oleksandr has been growing Lemon.io’s audience with his sharp writing and clear messages. He knows how to engage with the readers and makes them read the story up to the last word.


    How to Slash Your Operation Cost by 200%?

    The current recession makes startups rethink their expenditures. We’ve asked top tech founders about their cost-cutting strategies in 2023. 

    How to Hire Front-End Developers

    If your app or website lags, it will be deleted and forgotten immediately — so you’d better fend off rivals fast with a decent front end. 

    How to Hire Flutter Developers

    Flutter web development is boosting. Our article will help you get the gist of what’s going on — and how to hire Flutter developers with lightning speed.

    How to hire Ukrainian developers

    Entrepreneurs willing to build an app get wind of how complicated it might be. How to hire Ukrainian aces painfully and quickly? Read on!

    How to hire a software developer

    We’ve got plenty of brilliant ideas about making a top-notch and mega-useful product. But sooner or later, we understand that our ideas are dust in the wind without a talented squad of developers.

    23 Web3 books to read

    Web3 is around the corner. Are you ready for it? We’ve made a list of 23 books helping you to get around.

    How to Hire The Best PHP Developers

    People laugh at its oddness and oldness but still code in PHP. Do you want to hire a PHP dev for yourself? Ask us how!

    Virtual Traps: Freelance Fraud on Popular Platforms

    The IT freelance world is diverse and well-established but still full of dark corners and scam traps. If you work for yourself and don’t sign any agreements, no one has to protect you — and, alas, no one will.

    Play it Safe: Tips for Job-Seekers in the Online Universe

    Are you seeking an online job? The web world grants us plenty of possibilities — but hides an equally significant number of risks. What should you look out for while browsing the marketplaces? Learn more from our article!

    A (Bad) Dream Job: How to Identify Unreliable Employers?

    You can’t be sure that your employer will be kind, tolerant, and decent — but you surely want them to meet this description. How to spot bad employers and avoid their job offers? Read on to learn!

    Top 10 Freelancers’ Mistakes to Avoid

    Here, we’ve pulled together the most common freelancers’ mistakes leading to quite real adverse consequences in the long-term perspective — and offered some recipes to avoid them. How to turn your freelance into a productive journey? Read on to know!

    How Much Can Earn As A Freelance Developer at Lemon.io

    If you are a strong Middle or Senior web developer, it would be good to know about lucrative remote options. One of them is Lemon.io, a marketplace offering European specialists to the blossoming American startups. How much can you earn there — and what do you get in addition to the decent rate? 

    Outstaffing vs. Outsourcing: How to Choose

    What do startups do if they can’t get in-house specialists? Mostly, they resort to outsourcing or outstaffing. What’s the difference, and how does it work?

    When Life Gives You Lemon.io — Join It!

    We don’t hit the Like button under our selfie — we show you the unvarnished truth of the frontal camera. No self-praise — just facts. ]We give you the most extended description of our inner mechanics for vetted developers to be as objective as possible.

    How to Sell Yourself As a Freelancer Online

    Longing to leave your company and go floating in the calm freelance waters — but afraid of the new reality and the need to regularly sell yourself for daily bread? You’re not the only one. But is there really no alternative to this routine?..

    We do care

    Many of you have been asking us about the current situation in Ukraine. And we understand your concerns: you have been working with us for quite some time now, and a significant part of our staff and developers are precisely from Ukraine. Who’s better to ask?
    We’ll answer your most common questions in this open letter — the questions we’re hearing during the calls and reading in your emails. We hope it helps.

    Java vs. Python for App Development: The War of Fierce Backend Rivals

    The year 2023 continued the booming application development trend, concisely expressed in the line “Everything you need needs an app.” Boosted by the (post-)pandemic demand of the people secluded in their homes and unable to communicate live, application development continues to skyrocket. So, it’s the most logical and wise step for junior and senior front-end […]

    Vetting Developers at Lemon.io: Our Mighty Way

    Lemon.io is a marketplace delivering the best European programmers to the top American companies since 2015. Many entrepreneurs inquire, how do we make sure our devs are the best ones. There are two ways to answer.

    8 Hot Mobile App Development Trends

    How does the COVID pandemic shape the business of mobile apps? Learn more about the latest top trends in mobile app development — and be ready for future changes!