TypeScript Developer to Hire in 2024

reasons to hire developers

TypeScript developers can help your app reign supreme in the web application realm — laying down the gauntlet of failures and unsuccessful updates. But how can you find and hire them? To get access to the best cadres, you need to compose a crisp and concise job description. 

Matches made in market heaven are possible only when all sides of the process have enough information about each other. Potential employees take care of their portfolios and resumes (including all the information about experience, education, and skills), and potential employers polish their job descriptions (describing the vacancy with all duties and responsibilities to filter out all the unsuitable candidates and catch the attention of those worth dealing with). 

This article will outline all the basic and most necessary elements of a full-fledged job description, answering questions about work experience, company description, tech stack requirements, and responsibilities. Hire TypeScript developers with it — and enjoy their results!

What are the essential parts of a job description?

All in all, a job description is a free format. Each entrepreneur writes them according to their needs and includes as much useful information as they consider essential. However, if you want your job description to be luring and universal, we’d advise you to stick to certain rules and boundaries. 

Here is a brief list of essential parts of a job description:

  • Company description. Briefly describe your company’s profile, giving some general, vital information, and explain why you need a TypeScript developer. 
  • TypeScript developer job profile. What are they in charge of? To whom do they report?
  • TypeScript developer responsibilities. Pull a spotlight on everything your future employee will be responsible for. There’s surely more to it than just using TypeScript.
  • TypeScript developer skills and requirements. What skills will help your perfect employee cope with all the tasks you’re planning to pile on them? Place this part after the paragraph on responsibilities. After exposing themselves to the former, candidates will automatically evaluate their strong/weak sides and reach the latter with a structured self-assessment.
  • Benefits and perks waiting for the TypeScript developer in your company. Here, you can enumerate all the extra nice and caring things your startup offers on top of the regular salary for TypeScript developers. 

Every module of this list should give the candidates information about the job they’re applying for. A well-versed job description leaves no place for unattended general questions. 

We will provide examples of job description fragments for each rubric. As a marketplace connecting skillful web developers with Western startups, Lemon.io has plenty of illustrative job description examples. 

Company description for TypeScript developer

Briefly introduce your company. Describe its work culture and unique selling propositions. Tell the candidates what it’s like to work with you and why they should join your organization.

We are a startup from the USA  building a market intelligence platform for climate tech. Five years ago, we started as a newsletter platform (>40k subscribers + investors) that is been online as a No-Code web app (Retool). We would like to build a native web app with new functionality features. 

TypeScript developer necessary skills

Here, we’ve composed a concise table with the skills and their brief justification. Composing your job description, you are free to use any skills mentioned below or add some extra competencies we didn’t include (but you clearly count them as crucial).


SkillWhy it’s important
CommunicationSkillful TypeScript developers should be proficient in personal and virtual communication. Working in IT companies requires transparency, briefness, and a business attitude. Programmers frequently work remotely and meet online for work discussions and stand-up meetings to share current objectives, work scope, and potential blockers on the way. 
HTML & CSSThey are viable for creating user interfaces, i.e., front-end app design. Even if you’re hiring a back- end specialist, they will surely cooperate with front-enders, and knowing HTML/CSS will turn out to be a major plus. 
EmpathyChanging tools and trends, unique approaches to working tasks, and constant cooperation require substantial empathy to cope with challenges. 
TypeScriptStatically typed React code, transparent and comprehensive. Naturally, your TypeScript candidate should know it!

TypeScript developer requirements and qualifications 

What should your perfect TypeScript developer look like? What qualifications will help them satisfy all your requirements and working objectives? After reading this section, all the potential candidates can filter themselves out according to their actual abilities and capacities.


  • A university degree in programming, IT, or mathematics;
  • Hands-on experience in commercial TypeScript usage;
  • Proficiency in other related programming languages (JavaScript, Java, PHP, or Ruby);
  • Experience in Angular and React libraries;
  • Aptitude in mobile frameworks (React Native, Native Script);
  • Ability to manage their own time and allocate it productively for various tasks;
  • Skillful user-related insights for better user experience;
  • A good eye for bug-fixing;
  • Understanding of CSS preprocessors such as SAAS and LESS;
  • The capability of creating lightweight, no-framework apps;
  • Profound grasp of real-time communications technologies such as WebSockets;
  • Mindful usage of Agile software development, the Kanban board, and the Scrum methodology.

TypeScript developer duties and responsibilities 

After the candidate reads the previous section, they will assess their skills. In this section, they are ready to answer the question if all these skills suffice to fulfill the following duties they will face in your startup.


  • Plan, develop and implement user interface strategies;
  • Cooperate with designers and developers to create modern, intuitive user interfaces outlining the design properties;
  • Co-create the design, look, and feel of our web tools;
  • Improve user experience with every product iteration; 
  • Research user preferences and embody them in the UI;
  • Employ new technologies and best practices;
  • Share source code and documentation in the team environment;
  • Enhance JS and CSS quality after analyzing code and proposing its improvements based on the end objectives. 

Benefits and perks for TypeScript developers 

You’ve got all chances to make it the most exciting section of your TypeScript developer job description. Jot down all the extra benefits/perks for the employees of your company — and the deal is done. Being kind has never been so easy. Your company surely has something to offer and to share! 

How many days off do you offer monthly/yearly? What are the bright sides of your compensation policy? Do you offer some regular bonuses for all the employees? (Health or traveling bonuses, maybe? Or a self-education bonus? (Amazon has been pretty greedy recently!)

If your team works remotely, chances are, you offer some regular home office bonus — so that your employees can arrange a convenient workplace.

By the way, how about maternity leaves or paid sick leaves? Are they in place?

What benefits are worth mentioning? 

– Career and growth opportunities (Are there some metrics to evaluate individual progress? When can your employees expect the first salary review?);

– Compensation policy, bonuses (if any);

– Medical insurance, sick leaves, maternity/childcare leaves;

– Fitness/gym cards;

– Other incentives.

Remember: if your startup is new and doesn’t offer any bonuses, don’t make anything up to fill in the anxiety-provoking gap.  

Benefits are optional! Being sincere is better than being caught red-handed when you can’t guarantee the promised bonus for the new employees (who may have been seduced by it — at least partly).

Here’s a piece of advice from Lemon.io: add the bonuses info to your job description if:

  • it is relevant to your corporate culture. If you’re an educational startup, it will be natural to offer some ed bonuses (and extremely strange not to); 
  • it is substantial and meaningful. E.g., Lemon.io offers all its employees three kinds of bonuses: a health bonus, a self-education bonus, and a travel bonus. All of them are yearly and equal.
hire remote devs

Here's a FAQ for those who crave additional information

  • What does a TypeScript developer do? 

    – Plans, develops, and implements UI strategies;
    – Cooperates with designers and developers to create modern, intuitive user interfaces with the necessary web properties;
    – Does all the best to improve the design, looks, and possibilities of the app;
    – Boosts and develops UI;
    – Provides insights into user preferences and modifies the app accordingly;
    – Explores and investigates new technologies;
    – Neatly and correctly uses the source code and its iterations.

  • How do you write a job description for a developer? 

    A well-written job description should contain the company description, the information about responsibilities, requirements, desired qualifications, and work benefits. Here’s a brief list of a developer’s responsibilities:

    – Researching, designing, implementing, and managing computer programs;
    – Testing and evaluating new pieces of code;
    – Identifying areas for modification in existing programs and subsequently developing them;
    – Creating and implementing efficient code;
    – Handling QA procedures;
    – Deploying software tools, metrics, and processes;
    – Maintaining and upgrading existing systems;
    – Closely cooperating with other engineers, UX designers, business, and systems analysts.

  • How much do TypeScript developers make?

    It depends on multiple factors. In-house or remote, part-time or full-time working mode, country of residence, country of taxation, cost of living in the country of residence, IT market conditions — all these factors come into play during price formation. On average, TypeScript developers in the USA make a lot more than Indian developers, and the developers from the UK are slightly cheaper than the American ones. If you would like to hire affordable yet professional web developers with TypeScript proficiency, we’d advise you to look for them in Europe — particularly Central and Eastern Europe. They have decent work ethics, remote work experience, and reasonable salary expectations.

  • Is TypeScript from Microsoft?

    Yes. TypeScript is a free and open-source language, and it has been developed by Microsoft. TS is a superset of JavaScript with optional static typing designed for enterprise-level applications. Since TS is a JS superset, all the TS programs are also JS.

  • What frameworks use TypeScript? 

    Here’s what a list of such frameworks can look like:


  • Is TypeScript frontend or backend? 

    Strictly speaking, TypeScript is neither a frontend nor backend language but a superset of the already established and well-known programming language, JavaScript. Just like JS can be used for both front-end and back-end, TypeScript can also be employed for FE and BE coding — with one small distinction: neither browser nor back-end architecture runs TS directly.