React.js Developer Every Company Will Need in 2024

react js web developer

A React.js developer is a highly talented professional whose duty is to efficiently design and develop UI elements for JavaScript web and mobile applications with the help of the React open-source ecosystem. 

Our new full-fledged and exhaustive template of the job description for a React.js developer will become your best aid in composing job descriptions that will cajole the most gifted and qualified web engineers to your company, ensuring its steady growth. Its elements are universally useful — one can use them for posting to career pages or online job boards where web engineers with expert proficiency in React.js will notice them and come to your startup. 

How to write a React.js developer job description 

After outlining your cherished skill set for the React.js ace nearing your project to the ultimate heights, write a clear-cut job description. If you don’t describe your desirable candidate transparently, you will probably confront difficulties searching for them. A well-composed and captivating job description is also an ideal way to move your needs to the front so that the top talents send you their resumes diabolically fast. 

What are the basic elements of a React.js developer job description? To put it shortly, a concise yet useful description consists of the following parts:


Here, you can elaborate on the following:

  • Why do you require a React.js developer in your company?
  • What functions will they perform in your team?
  • Why is your company unique?
  • What are the general working conditions in your company?


Try to explain:

  • Required tech/developmental skills for this role;
  • Beneficial soft (communication, empathy, time management) skills for this role;
  • Preferable professional experience for this role.


Underline the major deliverables for the JavaScript developer role and describe the ideal candidate’s quotidian routine.


A perfect job description should provide all the necessary information about bonuses, compensations, seminars, courses, and extra perks. 

Company description 

Here, you can add a concise introduction to your company, describe your daily routine, and answer questions about your schedule. This is the right place for your selling company and distant far-fetched pitches. Tell the candidates what awaits those who pass all the interviews and why React.js talents should join your startup.


At The Company, we guarantee a mutually respectful work environment where every programming talent will find their application in the bigger picture. We are a startup where everyone can try what suits them best: we don’t have problems with mobility and promotions. We’d like to hire, develop, and retain the most talented professionals from a diverse candidate pool worldwide.

Job description

So, what can an average React.js developer job description look like? Here’s an example for your inspiration.

Our main goal is to find a seasoned JavaScript developer well-versed in React.js. The winning candidate will help us develop user interface components and implement them with the help of well-known React.js workflows (such as Redux or Flux). Besides, this specialist will ensure that all the components and the overall application are easy to manage. A commitment to collaborative problem-solving, sophisticated design and quality products is essential.

React.js developer’s responsibilities 

What key responsibilities should have your ideal React.js engineer? What should they do in the workplace? Think over the extended list so that your candidates won’t complain they were hired to do something else!
Here’s a bit for your inspiration.

  • Team coordination sessions to discuss UI ideas and applications;
  • App requirements review & design of the app interfaces;
  • Analysis of the users & apps interactions;
  • Implementation of the React.js components in the responsive UI elements;
  • Composing app interface codes using JavaScript following React.js workflows;
  • Adjusting interface software and correcting/debugging application codes;
  • Programming and implementing front-end architecture to support UI ideas;
  • Overseeing and enhancing front-end performance;
  • Chronicling application modifications and developing updates.

React.js developer’s requirements 

Do you know what an employer shall require from their React.js proficient candidates (except an excellent React developer resume)? What should you remember while hiring a React developer for your company?

We don’t know what the distinctive features of your business are — but we can bet our yellow boots that our general examples will come in handy for your job descriptions! The fate of your enterprise depends on your engineers’ qualifications!

  • MS. (or at least BS.) in computer science, programming, or a similar field;
  • 4+ years of commercial work experience with mobile development;
  • Expert-level knowledge of React & React Native;
  • Hands-on experience with REST APIs and ES6;
  • Experience in React Native application deployment to App Store and Google;
  • UI design work experience;
  • Knowledge of performance-testing frameworks (Mocha, Jest);
  • Experience with browser-based debugging and performance-testing applications;
  • Top-notch troubleshooting skills;
  • Decent project management skills.

Preferred skills for React.js developers

In addition to must-haves, there’s always a list of should-better-haves. 

So, here is a provisional list of the preferred skills you might want your senior React developer to have:

  • Basic proficiency in AWS serverless architecture;
  • Practical knowledge of REST endpoints and APIs;
  • Working knowledge of NoSQL databases;
  • Ableness to work with version control systems, such as GIT;
  • Experience working with back-end technologies;
  • Ability to stay updated with modified requirements of any project;
  • Strong desire to work in a global setting with international clients;
  • Perfect time-management skills;
  • Other professional certifications.

Benefits and perks for React.js developers 

The most exciting section of your React.js developer job description template. Here, you can list all the extra benefits/perks a candidate will get once they join your company. Your company surely has something to offer and to share! 

How many days off do you offer yearly? Have you got paid maternity leaves and sick leaves? Do you have any extra financial bonuses for the top-notch masters of React development? Here’s the ideal place to list it all.

Here’s what such a list can look like:

  • Career & growth chances;
  • Decent compensation for React.js developers;
  • Cooperative medical insurance;
  • Proactive support;
  • Yearly bonuses for sport/education/traveling.

Looking for a React.js developer? Check these out!

Dev Pic

Andrii D.

// middle mobile/web developer

Meet Andrii — a strong Middle Mobile/Web Developer who has a pretty mature level of React/React Native application development skills and a good experience with React ecosystem.

  • javascript
  • react
  • react native
Dev Pic

Marcin Z.

// senior front-end developer

Marcin is a Senior Front-End developer with 10+ years of experience in high-level web and mobile solutions. He is proficient in front-end development, mainly in React and Next.

  • next.js
  • react
Dev Pic

Mykola Y.

// senior front-end developer

Mykola has worked in many domains, including crypto and blockchain. His stack is also not limited to React only - he knows some Node and Ruby for basic tasks. A one-man army indeed.

  • javascript
  • react

Taras K.

// tech lead / senior front-end web developer

Taras is a tech lead with a proper understanding of his role of a dev practitioner. He is an expert in agile methodologies and all the required engineering procedures.

  • javascript
  • react
  • typescript
hire top devs available for hire now

Not enough information? Here's our FAQ to add more!

  • Why is a job description important? 

    Of course, there are no strict requirements for employees to post the descriptions of the jobs they’re hiring specialists for. However, job descriptions will surely come in handy for practical reasons. What reasons are we talking about?
    Communication. Concise job descriptions help you tell all the candidates about the work duties you’re expecting them to perform. Without explicitly stated quality, quantity, and other requirements, you’ll probably have hard time finding the person you need for the job. 
    Identification of the right candidates. Many candidates read job descriptions most carefully — eager to find the exhaustive list of skills and abilities needed for the job and understand if they’re a right fit for it. A properly composed job description saves tons of time for both sides of the process: you filter out all the insufficient candidates, and they won’t send you a CV unless they fit your requirements.
    Describing all the necessary qualifications. If your job requires any, a description is an ideal space to enumerate them.

  • What makes ReactJS development so popular? 

    40% of all the developers are React js professionals — so this question is anything but inappropriate. The demand for React.js skills has constantly demonstrated an incline. On some portals (like Indeed), there are 1500—1800 new React.js job listings daily. So, it’s high time to answer the question about the reason for React.js evergreen popularity.
    Here’s the list of possible popularity reasons:
    A smooth learning process due to the vast well-adjusted libraries of reusable elements that will shorten the time required to code;
    Usability of React.js for building smooth, dynamic, and responsive apps;
    User- and search-engine friendliness;
    A large and helpful dev community can aid with all your blind alleys and seemingly tough questions.
    Besides, the simplicity of the React.js code makes it easy to read, test, debug, and scale.

  • What is ReactJS used for? 

    React.js was an open-source JS library developed by the Facebook company in 2013 — for creating multifaceted, content-rich, and engaging web pages providing maximum functionality and content with minimal coding requirements. To reach these aims, React.js creators made it unobtrusive, declarative, and component-based. One more feature simplifying the process is the bottom-up development style: to get complex apps, one should just continue designing smaller constituent components of these pages. This FE library is used for:
    Single-page apps (maintaining the repetitive parts + updating the changing content) like Facebook or Instagram;
    Dynamic apps. React.js helps create fast-loading web applications making multiple requests with no page refreshments (significantly lowering user churn);
    Cross-platform apps. React.js and React Native is used for mobile apps offering a native look and feel with no specific connection to the operating system;
    SEO-friendly sites. SEO-friendliness can be a byproduct of React.js development: it heightens the ranking of your web page on the SERPs.

  • Is React developer a software developer? 

    Naturally. React.js developers are professionals working with the React.js framework (of JavaScript). Many React developers will correct me on the spot — saying that React.js is not a library but a framework (released by the Facebook company). This library aims at building user interfaces and their components. Generally, we can call React engineers front-end developers (as well as JavaScript developers, since React.js is built on top of JavaScript programming language).

  • Is ReactJS frontend or backend? 

    Since React.js is a framework (or library) based on JS programming language and designed by the Facebook company for building web interfaces and front-end elements of applications, we can say that ReactJS belongs to the front-end world. 
    What do ReactJS professionals do?
    Developing responsive web applications and dynamic pages;
    Debugging and checking all the apps before they will go live;
    Collaborating with clients and implementing client-sourced insights into front-end architecture;
    Laying heads with back-end developers guarantees smooth interactions of all the front-end and back-end components.