Front-End Developer

WordPress developer job description template

There are more than ten million job openings in the United States every month, but only seven million people are looking for a full-time job, Statista reports. The first step to hiring a good software engineer is to write a proper description of the skills necessary and the responsibilities this person would have to be a part of your company. This is what we call a job description. It is a list of requirements an employee is expected to meet to get a job and the working conditions the company offers when hiring. 

Here is an example of a front-end developer job description structure:

  • Job brief
  • Responsibilities
  • Requirements and skills 
  • Frequently asked questions

Job brief

To start, write a few words about the position you are hiring for. It is what we call a job brief. Say some words about your company and its specialization, who you are looking for, and your expectations for the person you are hiring. Also, you can explain what pleasant additions your company offers to the employees. 

For example: 

The Big Red Software Company is hiring front-end developers. We are looking for a specialist to join our team of professionals to work with the web interface’s design, content, and functionality. As well as use their knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS to adapt websites to different screen formats and make them look appealing and easy to use. 

Front-end developer responsibilities

Next, you want to outline the responsibilities and tasks of a new team member. Say some words about the needs your company intends to fulfill in a front-end engineer position and the required education, experience, and skills for someone who wants to work with you. Ensure to inform them about the programming languages the coder needs to use and the result of the job. 

For example: 

The responsibilities of the front-end web developer in our company are: 

  • To work with the web interface’s design, content, and functionality;
  • Communicate with a development manager, other developers, and clients;
  • From a senior developer, we expect to contribute meaningfully to important decisions and be willing and capable of mentoring other developers at any level when appropriate.

Front-end developer requirements and skills

For hiring front-end developers, their knowledge and experience are significant. To make sure the right person will join your company, you need to know what skills are necessary for a frontend engineer and the background work and education you expect them to have. 

For example:

Here are the requirements and skills needed for a potential front-end programmer:

  • Front-end web developer education or any other in the same area;
  • Experience in working with Angular, React, Vue.js;  
  • Minimum three years of experience working as a front-end engineer or in a similar department;
  • Deep knowledge of coding languages such as HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Being familiar with web development frameworks and libraries is also necessary.

Job description example

The Big Red Software company is looking for a front-end developer. They will join our team of specialists and work with the web interface’s design, content, and functionality. HTML, JavaScript, and CSS will help them adapt websites to different screen formats and make them look appealing. The responsibilities: communicating with the back-end programmers team for more efficient work and with a client to find the best way to meet his needs and expectations and create a convenient-to-use website or web application. This is an excellent chance to move forward in your career and find a great team of professional colleagues. We offer decent pay and other pleasant additions. Flexible working hours, vacations, social security, home office, and working from home, courses — we will get you covered.

The responsibilities of the front-end web developer in our company are: 

  • Working with the web interface’s design, content, and functionality;
  • Communicating with a development manager, other developers, and clients;
  • Meaningful contributions to important decisions, will, and capability of mentoring other developers at any level when appropriate.

Here are the requirements and skills needed for our potential front-end programmer:

  • Front-end web developer education or any other in the same area;
  • Minimum three years of experience working as a front-end engineer or in a similar area; 
  • Deep knowledge of coding languages such as HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Being familiar with web development frameworks and libraries is also would be necessary.

Looking for a front-end developer? Check these out!

Dev Pic

Krzysztof D.

// senior front-end developer

8 years of experience behind the belt of this developer, and React is his superpower - when it comes to it, you can't really beat him.

  • javascript
  • react
  • typescript
Dev Pic

Denys B.

// senior front-end web developer

Denys is a senior front-end developer with 8 years of experience who has completed a project through our platform. Proficient in React ecosystem, fluent in Javascript & Typescript.

  • javascript
  • react
  • typescript

Want some extra info? Here's our FAQ!

  • What does a front-end developer do?

    The front-end developer is responsible for everything users see and click on web pages or web applications. He uses HTML, JavaScript, and CSS to program functional and beautiful interfaces, that work on any screen. The front-end engineer communicates with the team of back-end developers and the client.

  • What is the difference between a front-end developer and a back-end developer?

    These two roles are closely related, and even more, they need to work together for a well-operating site, but here are the differences. A front-end developer works with the client-side of the website or web application and makes it easy to use and pleasant to look at, while a back-end developer works with the server-side technologies and makes the website functional. 

  • What makes a good front-end web developer? 

    First of all, a desire to be a front-end web programmer. Then education and experience are required, such as web-design education or any other in a similar area. More than three years of experience as a front-end web developer. Other necessary skills are fluency in HTML, JavaScript, and CSS programming languages, communication, and problem-solving skills. 

  •  Who does a front-end web developer work with? 

    Most of the time, front-end engineers will communicate with two sides. First, with the development manager and the back-end developers team. It is supposed to keep work on a project coordinated and make a website or web application fully functional. And second, with a client to listen to all of his requests and try to satisfy them. 

  • Do front-end developers need to know design?

    It is not necessary but beneficial. Working with UI/UX designers to make the website’s appearance visually appealing is a big part of being a front-end programmer. The coder doesn’t need to know everything about design. Still, it will be helpful for him and his team to fix design problems or discuss different design questions and ideas and make a visually appealing product. The front-end engineer will build a user-facing area of a website, he will be responsible for choosing the proper framework for the website and ensuring the structure, data, navigation, and other functional and visual elements on the page look harmonic and aesthetic.