MongoDB Developer to Hire in 2024

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Even if you haven’t heard of MongoDB, you’d probably be hard-pressed to find a web application that doesn’t involve databases and operations with them. MongoDB is also a database — more precisely, a document-based NoSQL database, featuring such tools as document validation, high availability, and tools for monitoring or backup. 

Hiring a mono-profile MongoDB software engineer might seem odd in our multi-skilled age. Usually, talented web engineers have their database operations skills backed with many other talents and proficiencies — NodeJS, JavaScript, or C#, to name a few. 

Nevertheless, if yours is a large corporation with multiple MongoDB instances, a couple of bright professionals pursuing MongoDB careers will make total sense. 

If your vacancies aren’t strictly related to MongoDB for developers but are still crucial for smooth work, couple this job description with some of our descriptions to get what you need in a blink of an eye. 

Now, we’ll devote some time and space to the essential rubrics of a well-done job description where nothing important is lacking. 

Company description for MongoDB Developer

A clear and comprehensive MongoDB developer job description will assist you in luring highly talented programmers to your organization. You’ll need them since skillful MongoDB developers can handle everything — from delivering optimal results to the application team to integrating innovative features on fresh prototypes. Dataset security and daily tasks automation will be a piece of the cake if you hire dedicated MongoDB engineers. 

In this section, describe your company detailed enough for gifted candidates with a MongoDB background to grasp all its specific features. Your selling proposition earned bonus points in their eyes. Tell the candidates what it looks like to work in your company and why it will change the game for them in the future. 


We are an American startup building a market intelligence platform for climate tech.

Before, we were a newsletter platform (>40k subscribers + investors) that is been online for almost 3 years as a No-Code web app (ToolBrunch), and now we’d like to build a native web app with extended functionality and features.

MongoDB Developer job profile or a description brief

In this section, try to give your potential employees all the information about their future jobs and particular features. Whom are you looking for? What features of your company are essential to know for the applicant (because they can influence their employment decision)? Analyze your company’s work cycle and history, looking at it from the employees’ perspective.


Looking for frontend engineer(s) that can help integrate existing databases (in Airtable) with a flexible front-end web application to show visualizations such as charts, market maps, tables, and overviews in a dynamic, user-friendly interface. 

We’ve already built out a lo-fi version of this using Retool but want to build out a native application given the user account limits of Retool.

They have a road map: they need to develop metrics,  + collect information, etc.

We are looking for a passionate MongoDB developer to join our expanding team. You will work as part of a larger team to collaborate with development teams to implement innovative features into new products and apps while maintaining old ones.

You will create scripts to automate everyday chores and maintain data set security. Creating critical apps that people will use daily and contributing to the creation of a long-term database architecture will be among your responsibilities.

MongoDB developer requirements, skills, and qualifications 

Here, spotlight all the traits and skills you’d like your MongoDB developer to have. Imagine your startup’s life cycle to give the candidates a clear answer if you’re hiring them for a particular period of time (after which the app will be constructed using different technologies) or if their skills will be in demand much longer.


MongoDB developer’s duties:

  • Maintain and configure MongoDB instances;
  • Document the app’s architecture and setup;
  • Work out recovery and backup procedures;
  • Guarantee maximum performance of the databases;
  • Deploy, configure, and monitor sets of replicas;
  • Upgrade databases through patches;
  • Create roles and users and set their permissions;
  • Develop, implement, and maintain applications and systems that integrate MongoDB technology;
  • Co-author, review, and update documents and records;
  • Develop, implement, and maintain applications using MongoDB;
  • Contribute to professional learning communities;
  • Provide technical feedback and advice to other team members;
  • Actively seek opportunities for learning and growth;
  • Develop new and enhanced applications for the Mongo platform.

MongoDB developer requirements:

  • Strong understanding of relational database design and optimization;
  • Experience using MongoDB;
  • Excellent SQL and NoSQL query skills;
  • Strong knowledge of JSON and JavaScript;
  • Strong knowledge of Unix/Linux environments;
  • Experience with agile development methodologies and test-driven development.

Benefits and perks for MongoDB developer 

That’s the most pleasant section of your job description. List all the benefits your company can offer to its employees. Consult the HR department if you don’t possess all the information, — and highlight the most significant ones. 

How many days off do you offer yearly? Have you got paid maternity leaves and sick leaves? Do you have any additional financial bonuses for the top-notch masters of MongoDB tools? Here’s the ideal place to list it all.

What benefits are surely worth mentioning? 

– Growth opportunities (do you have any progress metrics for the employees to orient?);

– Compensations and bonuses, compensation reviews periodicity;

– Medical insurance, sick leaves, maternity/childcare leaves;

– Fitness/gym cards;

– Incentives.

Remember: if your company doesn’t offer major bonuses (some companies don’t — it doesn’t make you a lonely white crow), leave this field blank and don’t make anything up just to fill in the worrisome information hole. 

Sincerity is much better than boasting and then failing to fulfill promises.

Write about bonuses if they are relevant and substantial. 

Sample: offers all its employees a regular monthly home office bonus (the company works remotely) and three equal yearly bonuses allocated for sports, self-education, and traveling. Besides, we offer 7 days of paid sick leave each year. 

job description templates to hire in 2023

Need more info? Here's the FAQ for you!

  • What does a MongoDB developer do?

    MongoDB developers administrate databases and provide efficient business solutions to big companies and startups. 

  • Is MongoDB high in demand? 

    The MongoDB company has hit $1 billion in revenue only 5 years after the previous milestone of $100 million in revenues. The company had 33,000 customers in Q4 of 2022 — and its managed multi-cloud database service MongoDB Atlas provides 58% of the general revenue. Small wonder: flexible databases will be in high demand for managing powerful data applications emerging in the global IT market. 

  • Does MongoDB need coding?

    Yes, it needs coding — but not in the strict programming language sense. Since MongoDB is used for database management only, it can be an apt addition to any existing programming language skills for the IT professional.

  • What language works best with MongoDB?

    Officially, MongoDB supports 12 programming languages. A strong community has developed multiple databases and drivers to work with nearly every extant programming language. Data administrators, analysts, and programmers can use the programming language of their choice to perform data management and create highly efficient apps.

    Here’s a brief list of the languages working well with MongoDB:


  • What big companies use MongoDB?

    Undoubtedly, one can compose a long list of such companies since MongoDB is an extremely popular language for database management. No big company can go without big data (and databases). However, here’s our brief version:

    1. eBay
    2. MetLife
    3. Shutterfly
    4. Aadhar
    5.  Electronic Arts (EA)
    6. Vanta