AWS Developer For Hiring Top Engineers

back-end developer job description

AWS development professionals oversee and regulate the process of developing and setting up top-notch AWS-background ideas, cloud architecture, and designing the appropriate and efficient cloud infrastructure. specialists will not only eagerly help you compose the perfect AWS developer job description that will scale your chances of a successful hire but also connect you with Silicon Valley-caliber AWS remote developers on demand.

Clear-cut and crisp AWS developer job descriptions help startup owners lure highly-proficient engineers who will help their startups skyrocket. A seasoned AWS developer will handle every issue — from building, supporting, and managing even the most complex AWS architecture to following AWS best practices. To become a juggernaut in app development and cloud services, you will need a squad of AWS app developers. In this article, we help you build an in-depth AWS developer job description template to help you hire top professionals worldwide.

What are the essential parts of a top job description?

Generally, a job description is a relatively free format. Each entrepreneur includes as much information as they want and discloses as many useful facts about the vacancy as they consider necessary. However, if you want your job description to be cajoling and all-encompassing, we’d advise you to adhere to certain rules and boundaries. 

A complete and comprehensive description consists of the following parts:

  • Company description. Here, you introduce your company and clarify why it needs the AWS developers you’re hiring. 
  • AWS developer job profile. What are they in charge of? To whom do they report?
  • AWS developer responsibilities. A full list of things and aspects your future employee will be responsible for. There’s surely more to it than just using AWS.
  • AWS developer requirements and skills. What skills does your ideal candidate need to cope with all the responsibilities you’re planning to pile on him? Let this part go after the “responsibilities” part. After reading the former, candidates will automatically evaluate themselves and reach the latter with a prepared and structured self-evaluation.
  • Benefits and perks for the AWS developer. Here, you can list all the extra pleasant and caring things your company offers on top of the regular salary for Amazon Web Services developers. 

Now, let’s analyze each part and dig deeper into the details. 

Company description for AWS developer

In this part, you can briefly introduce your company, describe your work culture, and highlight all the unique selling propositions. Explain to the candidate what they will get from working with you and why they should join your company.

Here’s a sample from

First, we’re not an ordinary marketplace; we’re a community for experienced developers. We connect seasoned engineers with tech startups wishing to hire fast and painlessly. All the offered specialists have high work ethics standards and remote work experience. 

We work with vetted engineers only. Before giving them access to our projects, we verify them in 2 steps: in the first step, we test a level of English and soft skills, and in the second step, we check tech skills via an interview with optional live coding. That’s our way of testing their motivation and reliability. 

We support our clients and developers along the way but don’t intervene unless they ask us. We hate micromanagement and adore direct communication.

Our Customer Success department ensures both sides are happy working together and making everything to solve any complications. If something goes wrong, we immediately take action and guarantee you a swift replacement. 

AWS developer job profile

Here’s a very brief example of such a profile:

AWS developers configure, maintain, and grow the ideal AWS cloud infrastructure essential for our web applications. At our startup, AWS developers will grasp the essential AWS services and follow best practices for security and scalability. 

Who do our AWS developers report to? 

  • Tech Lead;
  • Senior AWS Developer.

Looking for AWS devs? Check these out!

Dev Pic

Caio S.

// senior devops

Caio is equipped with an extensive background in IT; he took the position of an Infrastructure Engineer for 10 years and then switched to DevOps, where he keeps working since 2019.

  • aws
  • gcp
  • +2 skills
Dev Pic

Christos A.

// senior devops engineer

Meet a Senior DevOps Engineer, quick thinker, and challenge seeker. Christos takes pride in his craft and has well-formed, defensible opinions.

  • aws
  • gcp
  • +3 skills

Artem P.

// middle full-stack developer

A middle full-stack developer proficient in JavaScript and React. He knows how to find the right approach to any problem. Artem also has got an AWS certificate.

  • aws
  • java
  • +3 skills

AWS developer responsibilities

What will you be responsible for after becoming the AWS developer in our company? Here’s the (non-exhaustive) list. 

  • Fully comprehend an organization’s present application infrastructure and make comments and/or proposals to enhance or improve it;
  • Note and explore all the best practices and methods for app deployment and infrastructure upkeep;
  • Cooperate with the IT department on the migration of web apps to the AWS environment;
  • Think over low-cost migration techniques and put them into effect;
  • Write reusable, effective, and scalable code and AWS application development;
  • Analyze all the extant and new software, test, debug, and update it to ensure compatibility with all web browsers;
  • Use multiple AWS services (API, RDS instance, and Lambda) to create serverless applications.

AWS developer requirements & skills

What does an ideal AWS engineer look like? What are their background and experience? Don’t forget to mention everything important to you.


  • A master’s degree in computer science, information technology, or a related field;
  • Experience with planning, developing, and deploying AWS-based programs;
  • Knowledge of essential AWS applications, services, and best practices;
  • Practical expertise in a variety of disciplines, such as database building, business intelligence, machine learning, advanced analytics, big data processes, and analysis, etc.;
  • Linux/Unix administration experience;
  • High proficiency in Docker and Kubernetes;
  • Background in cooperation with cross-functional teams of business analysts, data scientists, subject matter experts, and developers.

Benefits and perks for experienced AWS developers 

Here, you can list all your company’s fringe benefits to AWS professionals who joined it. 

What kind of benefits is worth mentioning? 

– Career and growth opportunities (are there some metrics to evaluate individual progress?);

– Compensation policy, bonuses (if any);

– Medical insurance, sick leaves, maternity/childcare leaves;

– Fitness/gym cards;

– Incentives.

Remember: if your company doesn’t offer significant bonuses, leave this field blank and don’t think anything up just to fill in the troublesome gap. 

Benefits are optional! Being sincere is better than being caught red-handed when you can’t guarantee the promised perk.

Add bonuses to your AWS developer job description if at least one of the following two claims is true for them:

  • It is relevant to your corporate culture. If you’re a healthcare startup, it will be only logical to offer some healthy bonuses (and extremely strange not to). 
  • It is substantial and meaningful. E.g., offers all its employees three kinds of bonuses: a health bonus, a self-education bonus, and a travel bonus. All of them are yearly and equal.

Need a FAQ? Here it is!

  • Does an AWS developer need coding?

    AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a platform for cloud computing that’s vert popular among tech startups and engineers. All those who start working with AWS or learning more about this technology frequently pose a question — will I need coding while working as an AWS developer? 

    Does AWS require coding? Not at once. Making initial steps in the AWS field does not require coding skills since many basic tasks can be performed without coding. Nevertheless, AWS specialists may still be required to learn programming skills — everything depends on the project type. 
    Generally speaking, AWS is mainly interacted with in two ways: manually through clicking in the AWS UI or programmatically via infrastructure as a code tool, which means defining cloud configuration instructions in text files.

  • Are AWS skills in demand? 

    Yes, definitely. Cloud computing has taken the digital and startup world by storm. Consequently, we now feel a deeper need to learn cloud computing. Small surprise: cashing in on the cloud is the new black. The demand for cloud infrastructures has constantly been growing. Companies and institutions from the Fortune 500 list (NASA, General Electrics, Netflix, IMDb, and AirBnB) extensively use AWS cloud computing services. AWS has become the leader in the cloud computing market, growing at a breakneck pace. If we pay attention to AWS’ huge leap forward, it’s easy to conclude that if the current trends continue, we will likely see a remarkable acceleration in AWS growth.

  • What kind of skill is AWS?

    Amazon Web Services specialists are responsible for designing and developing high-class cloud-based solutions for organizations eager to move from the traditional environment to the AWS cloud. Cloud architecture specialists have limitless virtual resources, which can be quickly provisioned for definite tasks. Here are seven skills we at consider cloud architects need to rock this in-demand role.

    1. Java, Python, or C#;
    2. Communication, time management, empathy (soft skills);
    3. AWS services and their selection;
    4. Networking technologies;
    5. Data storage basics;
    6. AWS Cloud architecture.
    7. Cloud-specific patterns and techniques;
    8. Security basics;

  • Is AWS a framework? 

    Yes, it is. The AWS framework includes domain-specific lenses, hands-on labs, and the AWS Well-Architected Tool, providing a mechanism for regularly evaluating workloads, identifying high-risk issues, and recording improvements.