Ruby on Rails Developer

ruby on rails developers

Do you want to compose job descriptions cajoling the most qualified experts into joining your flourishing startup? Our brand-new and all-encompassing template of the job description for a Ruby on Rails developer will help you cope with that task, ensuring your company’s flourishment and constant growth. Feel free to use its elements for posting to virtual job boards where developers with professional knowledge of RoR will notice them and join your startup. 

How to write a Ruby on Rails developer job description 

Having laid out your preferable skill set for the RoR professional who’s the most likely to bring up your project to the ultimate heights, you should start writing a clear job description. It will help you outline the crucial skills of the engineer you need for your project. 

A well-structured and comprehensive job description is also a superb way to hold up your needs and preferences so that the top talents send you their CVs as quickly as a flash. 

What are the main elements of a Ruby on Rails developer job description? To put it squarely, a succinct yet comprehensive description consists of the following parts:


Here, you can explicate the following:

  • Why do you crave an RoR programmer in your company?
  • How will they fit into your project team?
  • What are the unique selling points of your company?
  • What are the conditions of work at your company?


Elaborate on the following:

  • What hard (technical) skills do you need for this role?
  • Which soft (communication, time management, etc.) skills benefit this role?
  • What are the desired experiences for this role?


Make all the key deliverables for the Ruby on Rails developer’s role clear and particularize the ideal candidate’s daily routine.


This section provides all the necessary information about rewards, bonuses, compensations, training, days off, maternity leave, corporate merch, and extra perks (e.g., if your company provides any self-developmental courses or covers the expenses for third-party ones). 

Company description

Briefly describe the company where a successful applicant will spend their workdays. Make it attractive, but don’t lie: you aim to praise without diverting from the truth. Describe the work culture, and highlight the unique selling points of collaborating with you. Pitch yourself to the potential candidates.

Example: is a freelance marketplace offering over 1000 pre-vetted developers from 26 European countries for Western startups. Before the COVID pandemic, it was based in Kyiv, Ukraine. Now, its 60+ employees operate from all over the world. 

Founded as a small Coding Ninjas startup whose team gathered a database of coders fulfilling small, mainly WordPress-related tasks, it steadily grew in size and service quality, went through a rebranding, and emerged in 2020 as, a full-fledged marketplace of vetted developers with Sales, Matching, Recruiting, Talent Acquisition, Marketing, and Customer Success departments. 

What makes us different? 

  • We care about every vetted developer in our talent pool. We match them with potential clients, arrange interviews and help them through onboarding.
  • Our Customer Success department resolves all troubles in no time.
  • Our Matching team handpicks the most suitable projects for each registered and available engineer, considering their strong suits, previous experience, and personal preferences.
  • We facilitate a transparent billing process, taking no commission so that all developers get paid according to their rate.

Ruby on Rails developer job responsibilities 

List all the responsibilities of the RoR developer in your company. Be precise and carefully describe them so the candidate can fully understand what’s expected. 


As an RoR developer at our company, you will:

  • Cooperate with other front- and back-end developers to fulfill the project’s objectives;
  • Write, check, and test code components written in Ruby language using the Rails framework;
  • Make everything possible for the server-side code to be robust, scalable, and ultra-high performing;
  • Find out any opportunities to up-sell or cross-sell your enterprise’s products/services;
  • Carefully and regularly record all the pertaining data on the CRM;
  • Check out if the front-end components correctly interact with the back-end services;
  • Ensure your backend components are always available for interaction;
  • Write full-scaled and all-entailing tests to guarantee that the product meets all design requirements;
  • Understandably and regularly document all the steps of the product creation and explain the function of different chunks of code.

Surely, you can add, amend, or delete the above points so that they suit your particular situation and describe it best.

Ruby on Rails developer requirements and qualifications

Here’s a provisional list of requirements and qualifications the RoR software developer should have (pick up the most suitable ones and add or amend them at your will).

  • Problem-solving skills and strategic thinking;
  • 4-5+ years of experience with Ruby;
  • Strong knowledge of OOP, Ruby on Rails, and design patterns;
  • Experience with frontend JS frameworks such as React, Angular, etc.;
  • Experience with Docker, Kubernetes, Google Cloud Platform, AWS;
  • Good command of English, both written and spoken, as you’ll be communicating with clients directly;
  • Strong organizational skills — the ability to work full-time remotely with no supervision;
  • Responsibility — we want to trust you;
  • Soft skills — we don’t ask you to find a topic for small talk, but being just polite is OK.

Required skills for Ruby on Rails developers 

At this point, you need to explain all the academic and professional skills&qualifications a candidate must have to apply for this vacancy. 


  • Bachelor’s/Master’s degree in computer science, information technology/engineering/any field of knowledge you prefer;
  • At least five years of experience working as a Ruby on Rails developer;
  • Knowledge of front-end technologies such as JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and JQuery;
  • Familiarity with Resque and Rspec libraries;
  • Proficiency in working with database technologies such as MySQL, Oracle, and MongoDB.

Preferred skills for Ruby on Rails developers

In this optional job description section, you can freely list all the extra skills, abilities, certifications, and talents your ideal candidate should possess. 


– Excellent command of server-side templating languages like Liquid;

– Working proficiency in AngularJS or BackboneJS;

– Deep acquaintance with code versioning tools, including Git, Github, SVN, etc.

– Perfect set of soft skills (reasoning, empathy, time management);

– Unparalleled problem-solving skills.

Benefits for Ruby on Rails devs

This section is the best place to list all the available core perks and benefits your company provides to Ruby on Rails web engineers. Don’t forget to cover the topic of health insurance, options for wellness, reimbursements for commuters, home office maintenance bonuses, and parental leave policies. Moreover, mention all the optional niceties like location, pet-friendly environment, food catering, a flexible vacation policy (with the number of vacation days), and sick leave options.

If there are any industry-specific bonuses and benefits, try to mention them separately (e.g., participating in hackathons, IT conferences, international collaboration, and the like).

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Craving more information about Ruby on Rails development? Here's a FAQ for you!

  • What does a Ruby programmer do?

    It’s evident from the name that Ruby programmers are obsessed with the Ruby programming language — so their working projects are primarily Ruby-related. Their tech training and education correspond to their activities: most have graduated from tech universities where they studied applied math, web programming, or something relevant. 

    How to become a Ruby programmer? The first and self-evident answer is — to start learning Ruby (and a couple more languages, they will surely come in handy in the future) — and begin practicing until you feel ready to pursue and secure a job.

    Ruby-proficient web engineers employ Ruby for building new technological products. These skillful programmers can play an instrumental role in various development projects — e.g., designing new web servers, finishing work for API clients, and building static website generators. Moreover, Ruby programmers often have high expertise in other programming languages because this can allow them to complete more complex projects that are impossible to perform using only one language.

    Here’s a list of the most general duties of a Ruby programmer:
    Writing new programs and code chunks using Ruby;
    Creating new program-hosting services;
    Carrying out complete web development on the newly created pages using Ruby;
    Completing web scraping and crawling;
    Uniting Ruby with other programming languages, like C or PHP, to create new computing products;
    Solving problems and maintaining existing infrastructure with the help of Ruby.

  • Does Ruby on Rails use HTML?

    To answer this question, let’s dig into the facts about Ruby programming language and its connection with Rails (and what Rails is).
    Ruby as a programming language was created 20 years ago. Its founding father is Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto. In the most ratings, Ruby stays staunch in the top 10 — by large, thanks to the popularity of Rails. Like Java or Python, Ruby is also a general-purpose programming language, though it’s famous for its use in web programming.

    OK, now let’s talk about Rails and how it works with Ruby.

    Rails is a software library that extends the Ruby programming language. Its creator was David Heinemeier Hansson. 
    Technically, Rails is a software code appended to the Ruby programming language or a package library installed via OS command-line interface.

    The critical area of using Rails is website building. Technically, Rails maintains conventions for easier collaboration, codified as the Rails API (application programming interface or directives controlling the code). A programmer learning Rails should learn how to use the Rails conventions and its API.

    The Rails library unites Ruby with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for creating a web app that runs on a web server. Rails is considered a server-side, or back-end, app development platform (here, the front end is the browser). 
    Rails is not just a library or an API. It’s the major project of a multifaceted community creating software libraries that make the task of building complex websites easier. Members of the Rails community have a lot of common profound values, frequently use the same tools, and support each other with an unofficial network built on volunteerism.

  • How much does a Ruby on Rails developer make?

    Of course, the answers to this question will significantly differ from country to country. The average yearly salary of an American RoR engineer is $79,294 (as of September 2022), or nearly $6500 per month. However, not all the US states are equal, so the salary range typically falls between $71,168 and $88,634 for different locations within the country.
    However, in other regions, the numbers can drastically differ — depending on numerous essential factors, including education level, additional certifications, extra soft and hard skills, and the number of years spent coding.

  • Are Ruby developers in demand?

    Ruby and Ruby on Rails are often shown as an example of IT specialization that was once popular and sparkling and is now almost dying. Is it so — or that’s just a prejudice, even though there’s still a vast RoR demand for MVP coding and development? 

    The core reason for RoR’s decline isn’t its immaturity or incompatibility with everyday tasks but the massive competition in the IT market. When just released, Ruby was a singular framework of a kind and remained in this position before the emergence of new products with similar functionality. 
    The highest point of RoR usage was in 2006. Although its popularity has been slightly declining ever after, it still is one of the most valuable frameworks for web application development. 
    What are the core reasons for RoR criticism, then? Let’s make a brief list.

    1. Slow performance (it’s just a bit slower than other networks, as it frequently happens with interpreted programming languages);

    2. Complicated syntax (one line of Ruby code can perform several different tasks, being somewhat convoluted and complicated to master for juniors);

    3. Problems with scalability (isn’t always an issue of programming language: can be influenced by many programming dysfunctions).

  • Is Ruby on Rails good for a career? 

    RoR has been steadily showing its popularity, incrementing its rating among other programming languages like Python, Java, or C#. Many people prefer RoR, and there’s a good reason why it is so tremendously popular and why Ruby developer compensations are constantly rising. 

    If we classify Ruby, we’d have to say it’s an object-oriented language. What differentiates it from its neighbors is that it resembles human language — so even inexperienced juniors with little to no experience in the field can somewhat understand the code — and it’s an excellent incentive for beginning (just like in Python). 

    Rails is a web development framework for the Ruby language. Like with any other programming language, learning to use it can be tricky and challenging — but becoming an RoR developer is a perfectly justified and intelligent choice.