Node.js Developer

Node.js developer job description

Before we dive into the writing of Node.js developer job descriptions, let’s take down what Node.js is. To start with, Node.js isn’t a programming language but rather an open-source runtime platform that many businesses use to develop and sustain their product. In Node.js, developers use well-trusted JavaScript language to complete back-end development tasks.

As the platform becomes more and more popular, so do skilled Node.js developers. Their main responsibility is to manage the interexchange of data between a server and a user. Looking to hire a vetted Node.js programmer, then our job description template is the right tool for you.

Company description

The first thing to consider when writing a job description is an accurate and concise introduction of your company to a potential employee. When Node.js engineer faces the overwhelming abundance of job postings, they rely on the company description to tell them which employer will be the best fit. Therefore, take time to explain what product the company sells, the company’s goal or mission statements, describe work culture, and what values a team shares. When writing this section, keep the question “Why should an experienced Node.js developer join you?” in your mind.


CloudEx company is looking for a professional Node.js developer to join our programming team for a client’s project. Our company provides staffing services. We match our most agile talents with our customers globally. Over the years of hard work offering professional service, we’ve become the No.1 partner to several largest brands worldwide. Since 2012, we have opened offices in San Francisco, London, Toronto, and Luxemburg. CloudEx offers its employees both remote and in-house work options. In our company, we value transparency and dedication; thus, we are a match if you are conscientious and good at self-management. 

Node.js developer job brief

Once you are finished writing your company profile, move on to creating a job brief for a Node.js developer. A job brief aims to attract the right candidates, form a general understanding of a job role, manage references, or the level of responsibility expected of the employee. Consider writing about these main points: key areas of responsibility and deliverables, the job objectives, required training or educations with personality traits or soft skills that would make a candidate a great fit for the team. 


As a Node.js developer for our project, your main tasks will be to build and maintain network applications, manage data interexchange between a user and a server, and collaborate with the team of front-end developers to ensure the smooth integration of web-based applications. Occasionally, you will be integrating the front-end pieces into the applications by yourself; therefore, the basic knowledge of full-stack of code is required. We expect and encourage you to take ownership of your tasks.

Node.js developer skills, requirements, and qualifications

The next section to fill out is the skills and qualifications of a Node.js developer. Here, list the requirements that will make a developer a right fit for the job. Assuming you would like to hire a middle or a senior Node.js developer, our team created a respective list of desired qualifications. 


  • Bachelor’s degree in computer science or any alike field;
  • Excellent knowledge of Node.js;
  • JavaScript and Typescript proficiency;
  • Hands-on experience with Express.js, Nest.js, and frameworks;
  • Excellent understanding of SQL and NoSQL DBMS (Mongo, Postgres, MySQL, etc.);
  • Experience with both microservice and monolithic architecture;
  • Experience with modern cloud providers (AWS, GCP, Azure, etc.);
  • Understanding of server-side templating languages;
  • Basic knowledge of front-end development technologies;
  • Comprehension of security best practices.

Node.js developer responsibilities and duties

When hiring a full-time Node.js developer, let them know your expectations. This section includes tasks that would give an idea of how developers’ daily routines would look. Be specific, think of future attainments, and convert them into tasks.


  • Write clean and reusable code;
  • Design and apply server-side units and efficient web applications;
  • Assimilate server-side logic into used-oriented components developed by front-end programmers;
  • Provide cyber security solutions;
  • Ensure best practices and efficiency of databases and front-end requests;
  • Develop optimized data-storage solutions;
  • Run diagnostic, perform debugging, provide client technical support, and ensure key testing processes implementation;
  • Compile useful project reports and record software development process;
  • Set the best development practices and ensure the systems are built according to these standards;

Benefits and perks for Node.js developers

As you write this section, think of benefits and perks that align with your company culture and values, as well as of those that would be interesting and encouraging not only to you. For instance, if you promote self-care to maintain a work-life balance, consider providing employees with a gym or massage membership. 


Our company values and prioritizes the well-being of its employees; thus, we offer you gym and spa membership. To encourage your personal growth, we offer you to pick a magazine subscription; to ensure professional development, we would like to cover your tuition for the job-related courses hence ensuring your career growth within the company. We provide 25 days of paid vacation and five days of paid sick leave. Additionally, you will receive reliable health insurance. 

Node.js developer job description sample

CloudEx company is looking for a professional Node.js developer to join our programming team for a client’s project. Our company provides staffing. We deliver the most agile talents to our customers globally. Over the years of hard work offering professional service, we’ve become the No.1 partner to several largest brands worldwide. Since 2012, we have opened offices in San Francisco, London, Toronto, and Luxemburg. CloudEx offers its employees both remote and in-house work options. In our company, we value transparency and dedication; thus, we are a match if you are conscientious and good at self-management. 

As a Node.js developer for our client’s project, your main tasks will be to build and maintain network applications, manage data interexchange between user and server, and collaborate with the team of front-end developers to ensure the smooth integration of web-based applications.  


  • Bachelor’s degree in computer science or any alike field;
  • Excellent knowledge of Node.js;
  • JavaScript and Typescript proficiency;
  • Hands-on experience with Express.js, Nest.js, and frameworks;
  • Excellent understanding of SQL and NoSQL DBMS (Mongo, Postgres, MySQL, etc.);
  • Experience with both microservice and monolithic architecture;
  • Experience with modern cloud providers (AWS, GCP, Azure, etc.);
  • Understanding of server-side templating languages;
  • Basic knowledge of front-end development technologies;
  • Comprehension of security best practices.


  • Write clean and reusable code;
  • Design and apply server-side units and efficient web applications;
  • Assimilate server-side logic into used-oriented components developed by front-end programmers;
  • Provide cyber security solutions;
  • Ensure best practices and efficiency of databases and front-end requests;
  • Develop optimized data-storage solutions;
  • Run diagnostic, perform debugging, provide client technical support, and ensure key testing processes implementation;
  • Compile useful project reports and record software development process;
  • Set the best development practices and ensure the systems are built according to these standards.

Benefits and perks

CloudEx values and prioritizes the well-being of its employees; thus, we offer you gym and spa membership. To encourage your personal growth, we offer you to pick your magazine subscription; to ensure professional development, we would like to cover your tuition for the job-related courses, ensuring your career growth within the company. CloudEx provides 25 days of paid vacation and five days of paid sick leave. Additionally, you will receive reliable health insurance. 

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  • What is a Node.js developer?

    Node.js developer is a professional programmer who works with an open-source Node platform that works on the website’s server-side functionality. Their primary tasks are building and maintaining network applications. Aside from that, their job is to manage data interexchange between the user and server. When creating back-end components, they collaborate with front-end developers to ensure the smooth integration of web-based applications. 

  • What makes a successful Node.js developer?

    Node.js developer success could be measured by whether a programmer knows his way around a full stack of code, even if they specialize in one particular. In order to become a well-skilled Node.js developer, consider what other stacks you want to know how to operate instead of simply learning JavaScript as a whole programming tool. For instance, to diversify your skills, you might want to learn React.js or Angular.js stacks, both front-end tools. Even though Node.js mainly focuses on back-end tasks, they can be of some help with the front-end ones as well. 

  • How much do Node.js developers get paid?

    When looking for a master of Node.js, consider hiring offshore. Let us show you why. The hourly wage of a Node.js developer in the USA varies from 66USD hour to 75USD per hour. However, offers skilled professionals at much lower rates. For instance, the developer of the same proficiency from Ukraine would ask for 26USD to 32 USD an hour, from Portugal – 42USD to 52USD per hour, or from the Czech Republic- 32USD to 40USD per hour. 

  • What will replace NodeJS?

    Some of the Node.js alternatives are ASP.NET, Ext JS, and AngularJS. 
    ASP.NET is also an open-source, server-side web application framework meant for API real-time development, building web-based apps, and dynamic web pages. Being powered by Microsoft, it encourages programmers to develop unique interactive and data-based web applications online. 

    Sencha Ext JS is a popular JavaScript application framework that uses the help of technologies like Ajax, DOM scripting, and DHTML in order to develop engaging, data-rich cross-platform web applications.

    AngularJS, powered by Google, just like Nofe.js and ASP.NET, is an open-source online and mobile application framework. It is known for allowing the development and testing of applications with MVC and MVVM architecture. 

  • Are Node.js developers in demand in 2022?

    Yes! Node.js is a free, open-source platform that uses JavaScript, which is accessible to learn and utilize. As clients get more interested in fast, real-time, and event-driven servers, so does Node.js become a hire demand.