Hire RethinkDB developers
Instantly enhance real-time databases. RethinkDB devs deliver scalable data solutions—hire quickly, onboarding in days.
How to hire RethinkDB developer through Lemon.io
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FAQ about hiring RethinkDB developers
Where can I find RethinkDB developers?
You can post job advertisements on specialist technology job boards such as Stack Overflow Jobs, Indeed, and GitHub Jobs, or professional networks like LinkedIn to find RethinkDB developers. Get in touch with developers active in RethinkDB using online forums and groups related to database technologies. It’s a proven fact that describing a job in detail, reviewing scores of applications, conducting interviews with prospects, and checking their skills is highly time-consuming. Lemon.io offers a solution that saves you time and effort by connecting you with the right pre-vetted RethinkDB developers in as little as 48 hours.
What is the no-risk trial period for hiring RethinkDB developers on Lemon.io?
Lemon.io offers a 20-hour no-risk trial with a RethinkDB developer. This trial will show you first-hand how they solve actual tasks on your projects. If you are not satisfied with the developer’s performance or if they miss deadlines, we will find you a replacement. However, such cases are extremely rare at Lemon.io. In fact, they only come up as an option we mention to clients.
Is there a high demand for RethinkDB developers?
No, there isn’t a very high demand for RethinkDB developers. The demand for RethinkDB developers is low compared to other famous database systems. RethinkDB is an open-source, distributed database system initially designed to suit real-time web apps. It is mainly used in real-time data streaming and live update scenarios, including collaborative apps, dashboards, and gaming. 2016 the project stopped official support, and interest in RethinkDB developers rapidly declined. Other databases like MongoDB, Firebase, and Redis have replaced RethinkDB. They all offer similar functionality to RethinkDB but with more active communities and continued development. While there is still some interest in RethinkDB, particularly in real-time, most companies prefer investing in more widely adopted and actively maintained technologies for their database needs.
How quickly can I hire a RethinkDB developer through Lemon.io?
Lemon.io guarantees you will be matched with the best pre-vetted RethinkDB developers in under 48 hours. All candidates’ profiles, soft skills, and technical abilities have been thoroughly checked. We only accept the top 1%, so you can be sure you’ll receive only high-quality developers without any hassle.
What are the main strengths of Lemon.io’s platform?
One of the main Lemon.io strengths is a smooth and fast matching process. We manually search for a developer considering your project’s tech stack, skills, and expectations to find the right fit. We connect you with 1-2 perfectly matched candidates from our top 1% vetted talent pool. These developers have at least 4 years of experience and have been thoroughly vetted, including a resume, soft skills, and technical skills checks. We also offer subscription or direct hire options, with a no-risk trial 20-hour paid trial period. Besides, we also assure performance monitoring and replacement guarantees.