Hire Phing developer
Speed up your PHP build process. Phing devs automate deployments—hire quickly, onboarding within the week.
How to hire Phing developer through Lemon.io
Place a free request
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Interview the best
Onboard the chosen one
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FAQ about hiring Phing developers
Where can I find Phing developers?
In the first place, developers with Phing experience can be found on platforms and communities where PHP developers and DevOps specialists are active. These can be job boards like Stack Overflow, Indeed, or Glassdoor. On such websites, you can post your own vacation job with a detailed description of the requirements and wait for applicants to apply. Keep in mind that you will have to review a bunch of resumes and check the quality of their skills yourself by conducting technical interviews.
If you don’t have time for this or are not a technical person, trust Lemon.io, a platform that will find you the right pre-vetted developer for your position within a few days.
What is the no-risk trial period for hiring Phing developers on Lemon.io?
Lemon.io offers you a 20-hour paid trial period to evaluate your Phing developer’s performance on the project before you enter into any agreement. What’s more, we offer our risk-free replacement guarantee, which means that if your Phing developer doesn’t meet your expectations, we’ll do our best to replace them with new ones as quickly as possible, taking into account your feedback or any new requirements.
Is there a high demand for Phing developers?
The demand for Phing developers is quite moderate these days. Phing is a build system based on PHP that extends Apache Ant to automate tasks like deployments and testing in PHP projects. It is primarily used in legacy PHP environments or in certain cases where Ant’s capabilities are preferable. What’s interesting, with the rise of other modern PHP frameworks, Phing became niche by nature, but some organizations still continue to use Phing where its fully-featured automation features are required.
How quickly can I hire a Phing developer through Lemon.io?
In just 24 to 48 hours, we will connect you with a shortlist of pre-vetted Phing developers who are ready to dive deep into your project. You will be able to start interviewing them immediately, as our developers are warned in advance of the requirements and are eager to contribute their skills to the project. Such additional technical assessments may extend the time of hire by about 8 days. Once you’ve chosen the right talent for your team, finalize the subscription step and begin the onboarding process with your Phing developer.
What are the main strengths of Lemon.io’s platform?
The main strengths of Lemon.io’s platform are:
1. Within 48 hours, our clients can get 1-3 hand-picked pre-vetted developers matching all the requirements of the position needed. Often enough, the clients wouldn’t need to look further and start working with one of those candidates.
2. We cooperate with engineers with 4+ years of experience only. Our thorough vetting process consists of a detailed experience review, a screening call with technical questions, and a technical interview with our technical specialists (who, by the way, have already successfully finished a real project through Lemon.io).
3. If a developer is unable to continue working on a project for some reason, we smoothly replace them with another equally qualified developer to minimize disruption.
4. We have both subscription-based and direct-hire models that provide flexibility in meeting the needs of our clients.