Hire Newman developers
Quickly automate API testing. Newman devs streamline your testing cycles—hire now and onboard within a week.
How to hire Newman developer through Lemon.io
Place a free request
Tell us about your needs
Interview the best
Onboard the chosen one
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FAQ about hiring Newman developers
Where can I find Newman developers?
If you are looking for a Newman developer, try to check out professional communities or networks focused on testing or API development, such as Postman Community or Reddit forums. Another option is to post your vacancy on job boards such as Stack Overflow or Linkedin and wait for responses from relevant applicants. Make sure you include skills like Postman and Newman in your requirements.
Another option can be the Lemon.io platform, which connects clients with pre-vetted developers. This way, you don’t need to conduct several technical and soft skills interviews with candidates because we take care of all the organizational stuff.
What is the no-risk trial period for hiring Newman developers on Lemon.io?
At Lemon.io, we guarantee a risk-free trial for Newman developers, which includes a 20-hour paid period. You get to assess the quality of the developer’s performance on your project. If it turns out that your Newman developer doesn’t meet expectations during this period (either because you’re not satisfied with the work quality or they don’t meet deadlines), Lemon.io will provide you with another developer at no additional cost. Our risk-free trial period allows you to make sure you’re hiring the right talent before committing to a long-term agreement.
Is there a high demand for Newman developers?
The demand for Newman developers is rather moderate these days. It’s a command-line tool used for running Postman collections. Many developers use it in the automation of API testing and the integration of the whole process with continuous integration or continuous deployment. The tool is easy to work with in integrations and automated testing, making it a valuable tool in modern software development practices.
How quickly can I hire a Newman developer through Lemon.io?
After reviewing your Newman developer request, we’ll send you a shortlist of the candidates that are hand-picked for you within 24-48 hours. Our Newman experts have already gone through our extensive screening process before onboarding to the platform, but if you’d like to check their skills further, feel free to invite them for an interview, though you are free to hire them without that. Such interviews typically add 5-7 days to the hiring process, but it’s pretty realistic to hire a Newman developer within 2-8 days using Lemon.io.
What are the main strengths of Lemon.io’s platform?
The main strengths of Lemon.io’s platform are:
1. We value the client’s time by providing a hand-picked shortlist of candidates within 24 to 48 hours, each perfectly suited for your particular project. Quite often, our clients find the right fit for their team among the 1-3 developers we recommend at first.
2. Our vetting process allows only the best to join our community. We check CVs and working backgrounds first, then conduct a soft-skills interview with a recruiter and schedule one more tech interview with our trusted tech experts, who have successfully completed a few projects through Lemon.io.
3. Our developers do not need to waste time on sales, administration, or negotiating the terms. We take into account their preferences and skills to offer only the most fitting projects.
4. If the chosen developer cannot proceed with the project, we can swap a current developer with another one who meets all the project’s requirements.