Hire Mantis developers
Streamline bug tracking swiftly. Skilled Mantis developers enhance issue management and resolution—hire now and onboard quickly.
How to hire Mantis developer through Lemon.io
Place a free request
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Interview the best
Onboard the chosen one
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FAQ about hiring Mantis developers
Where can I find Mantis developers?
You can find Mantis developers on LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, or similar platforms. Those are job boards/hiring platforms where you can post your job description. There is also an option of using a freelance platform, developer communities (Github, Stack Overflow), social media forums, or specialized agencies.
On average, the process, from drawing the requirements to making an offer, can take a month or more and quite a lot of resources, so you’d want to check out Lemon.io to hire a vetted developer in just a couple of days.
What is the no-risk trial period for hiring Mantis developers on Lemon.io?
A no-risk trial period for hiring Mantis developers on Lemon.io is a paid trial (up to 20 hours) that makes it easier to decide whether you are ready to sign up for a subscription. During the trial, feel free to assess how the chosen candidate performs on real-life challenges and gets along with the team. A sweet deal, isn’t it?
In case your lemon.io developer fails to meet certain expectations, we’ll connect you with a new remote developer. Admittedly, we don’t usually have to do that, but it’s a promise.
Is there a high demand for Mantis developers?
No, demand for Mantis developers is not high, however, such expertise might be appreciated in certain projects. Mantis was built and open-sourced by Netflix. The platform allows the building of an ecosystem of real-time stream processing applications. In short, Mantis helps Netflix engineers better understand the behavior of their applications. As the problems that Netflix faces are not unique to Netflix, Mantis can be very useful for similar projects.
How quickly can I hire a Mantis developer through Lemon.io?
You can hire a Mantis developer through Lemon.io in 48 hours! Yes, we are just that fast with presenting you with a list of candidates whose experience fits your requirements the best. Then, depending on how you want the selection process to go, whether it’s one or a couple of calls with you and your colleagues, it might take a couple of days to pick the candidate who stands out the most and invite them on board. We set up a subscription for you and ta-da!
What are the main strengths of Lemon.io’s platform?
The main strengths of Lemon.io’s platform are our speed and efficiency. Suppose you are looking to hire a developer for your project. In that case, we will present you with a short list of candidates who have already been pre-vetted through a screening call with behavioral and technical questions and a tech interview. The developers in the Lemon community are located in different time zones and have been sources on more than 300 websites, meaning that no matter where you are from and what type of expertise you are looking for – you will save money and use just our team’s work.
If you’re a developer, you don’t need to compete with a hundred other candidates; if you are offered a project, then that already means you are among the best and have a high chance of landing it. The clients are usually from the US or Western Europe.