Hire Hazelcast developers
Optimize in-memory data storage instantly. Hazelcast devs rapidly boost app speed and scalability—hire fast and onboard quickly.
How to hire Hazelcast developer through Lemon.io
Place a free request
Tell us about your needs
Interview the best
Onboard the chosen one
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What we do for you
Sourcing and vetting
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FAQ about hiring Hazelcast developers
Where can I find Hazelcast developers?
You can search for Hazelcast developers in leading developer communities and platforms, such as GitHub and Stack Overflow. You can post a job ad on websites like Glassdoor and Dice and hope some good ones come through. Finding the right one from those resources could take much longer. Lemon.io does all the vetting: it checks all resumes, soft and technical skills, and the level of English among the developers. Thus, we make sure that only top-grade developers get onto the platform and manually select them in accordance with your request within 48 hours.
What is the no-risk trial period for hiring Hazelcast developers on Lemon.io?
If you’re afraid the chosen Hazelcast developer won’t fit your team or will fail to cope with real project tasks, a 20-hour paid trial period is a perfect option for you. You’ll be able to test whether the developer meets your expectations. If they don’t, Lemon.io will offer you a replacement from our database of pre-vetted senior-level engineers as part of our zero-risk replacement guarantee.
Is there a high demand for Hazelcast developers?
Indeed, Hazelcast developers are in great demand today. Hazelcast is a platform particularly useful in data management, computing, and caching. It’s especially relevant to applications with high performance and real-time data processing. Some famous large enterprises use Hazelcast for their key applications. Though Hazelcast has some competition from similar platforms available, Hazelcast still remains a favorite of many companies and developers.
How quickly can I hire a Hazelcast developer through Lemon.io?
After you fill out a request, Lemon.io will need up to 48 hours to find the right Hazelcast developer for your project. To do so, we need you to provide a detailed job description, which will help us to form your expectations and communicate them to potential candidates in order to find a perfect fit. You’ll have a choice among 2-3 engineers with all the necessary experience. You can then do a subsequent round of evaluation to check more about whether the developers are the best choice for your needs or not and pick the best among them. Otherwise, you can just hire immediately.
What are the main strengths of Lemon.io’s platform?
Here are the main strengths of Lemon.io:
1. Our rigorous vetting process allows us to sift underqualified candidates. Only top-level senior specialists with high technical acumen, communication skills, and English proficiency get admitted to the platform. Thus, we are confident in the candidates we present to you.
2. If the developer you chose cannot proceed with the project for any reason, we will swiftly show you a couple of other profiles, manually selected under your requirements.
3. Once you commit to a subscription with our engineers, they become a part of your team. We do not interfere with your working process in any way. However, if any issues arise during the project, we’ll be there to help you resolve them.
3. Besides signing up for a subscription with the developer, we have a direct hire option. For a separate fee, you’ll hire the engineer to become your in-house employee.