Hire Express.js developers
Build fast, scalable web applications with expert Express.js developers. Ensure efficient API development—hire now and onboard quickly.
How to hire Express.js developer through Lemon.io
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FAQ about hiring Express.js developers
Where can I find Express.js developers?
To hire the right Express.js Developer you can publish your job listings on job boards such as Glassdoor, Indeed, Jobs in Network or LinkedIn. You need to create the job listing, choose the relevant websites, publish the job listings, check the CVs, and proceed with the candidates who have the skills and experience that are good for your project. Afterwards, you need to make a large number of screening calls and hard skills interviews, choose the best candidate, and sign the contract with them. Also you can ask Lemon.io for help —we will provide you with a pre-vetted Senior Express.js Developer in 48 hours. The second way is faster and easier because we already have a talent pool from more than 50 countries who have passed the screening calls and demonstrated their high level of qualifications.
How to hire a Express.js Developer?
To hire a Senior Express.js Developer necessitates some groundwork—typically, finding an ideal candidate isn’t straightforward; it involves significant time and expenses. Initially, outline the goals of the development, tech stacks, and frameworks pertinent to your project. Evaluate the budget, timeline, type of engagement, and specifications: you can enlist a Express.js Developer as an employee or an independent contractor. If you seek to streamline the hiring process, Lemon.io can assist in locating the ideal candidate for your project.
Are Express.js developers in demand?
Yes, Express.js developers are in demand. Express.js is a Node.js web application framework, which makes it a popular choice for building web applications and APIs. Also, Express.js is commonly used with frontend frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js.
What is the vetting process for developers at Lemon.io?
The vetting process for Express.js developers at Lemon.io consists of the following stages: VideoAsk, completion of their me.lemon profile, a screening call with our recruiters that includes various technical questions, and a technical interview with our developers.
How quickly can I hire an Express.js developer through Lemon.io?
You can hire a Express.js developer through Lemon.io in 48 hours. Fast hiring is possible because Lemon.io is a marketplace with a pre-screened community of Express.js developers who have already successfully passed our vetting process: VideoAsk, completion of their me.lemon profile, a screening call with our recruiters that includes various technical questions, and a technical interview with our developers. Rest assured, the result you get is worth it – only 1% of the applicants are able to join the community.
What is the no-risk trial period for hiring Express.js developer on Lemon.io?
A no-risk paid trial helps clients be confident in their Express.js Developer. It consists of 20 prepaid hours, during which you can check how the developer completes your project’s tasks. Additionally, Lemon.io has a zero-risk replacement guarantee. We will offer you a new Software Engineer if the previous one doesn’t meet your expectations. This is not a common situation for us; however, if it happens, we promise our customer success team will proceed with the replacement.
Q&A about hiring Express.js developers
- What are the benefits of Express.js?
- Is ExpressJS front-end or back-end?
- What is the difference between Express.js and Koa.js?
- What are the best practices for securing an Express.js application?
- What is React Express.js vs React.js?
- Will AI replace Express.js developers?
- Is Express.js better than Django?
- What is Express.js used for?
- How does Express.js handle routing compared to other frameworks?
- Which is better Express.js or PHP?
- Can Express.js be used with GraphQL?
- What is React Express.js vs Node.js?
- Is Express.js suitable for building microservices?
- What are the disadvantages of Express.js?