Hire Centrifugo developers
Instantly enable real-time messaging. Centrifugo developers build scalable, reliable solutions—hire now and onboard in as little as a week.
How to hire Centrifugo developer through Lemon.io
Place a free request
Tell us about your needs
Interview the best
Onboard the chosen one
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FAQ about hiring Centrifugo developers
Where can I find Centrifugo developers?
If you need to find Centrifugo developers, try to post the vacancy on popular job search websites, such as Indeed or Glassdoor. But keep in mind that you’ll have to conduct a round of interviews to check if the developer has a high level of hard and soft skills.
If you have a limited time frame, check the Lemon.io platform for vetted developers. You won’t have to worry about checking developers’ technical expertise or English level, as we accept only senior-level engineers with a confident command of English.
What is the no-risk trial period for hiring Centrifugo developers on Lemon.io?
A no-risk paid trial period with Lemon.io is up to 20 hours, during which you can test how a Centrifugo Developer works on your project before signing up for a subscription.
Also, we would like to highlight that we have a zero-risk replacement guarantee. This means that if your lemon.io developer misses deadlines or fails to meet expectations, we’ll offer you a new Centrifugo. We have never had to do this before because only 1% of top applicants can join our community, but we promise our client support could be more supportive than your family.
Is there a high demand for Centrifugo developers?
Centrifugo is a powerful but niche tool. However, the demand for developers that are proficient with it seems to grow. Centrifugo is a server that allows to create live-updating features such as chats, notifications, and real-time dashboards.
It’s mostly used when applications need to deliver messages to clients in real-time.
How quickly can I hire a Centrifugo developer through Lemon.io?
You can find a Centrifugo developer in Lemon.io within 48 hours. First, you need to send us a detailed description of your project and responsibilities for the Centrifugo Developer role. Then, we will take into account all your requirements and preferences and match you with a few suitable candidates. As all developers have already passed the vetting process, you can hire the Centrifugo developer straight away. But if you need to double-check their expertise and soft skills, we can set up an interview to get to know the developer first. We’ll help you with all further arrangements to make sure the hiring process doesn’t take too much time.
What are the main strengths of Lemon.io’s platform?
Here are the main strengths of Lemon.io:
1. Manual matching process. Our team will gather your requirements, analyze them, and select a list of the most suitable candidates with all the necessary experience.
2. Only 1% of applicants pass our rigorous vetting process to ensure highly qualified developers for our clients.
3. With more than 300 websites and sources, we make sure to track down top-quality engineers, saving clients time and resources while delivering only the best results.
4. We allow the developers to focus only on their performance, handling all the contract negotiations or administrative tasks.