Hire Python developers
Build AI, automation, and backend solutions with expert Python developers ready to start this week.

How to hire Python developer through Lemon.io
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Why search for Python programmers for hire through Lemon.io?
You’re searching for great Python developers for hire, but every candidate feels like a gamble. You won’t know if they’re any good until you hire them. And then it’s too late. Stop gambling on devs and find vetted, proven talent with Lemon.io devs.
Find better devs
Access 1300+ senior engineers who have proven their skills through our rigorous, four-step vetting process.
Hire in hours not months
Tell your matching manager your requirements and we’ll deliver matching devs in 48 hours or less.
Trust your Python devs
If your dev’s skills don’t astound you, simply tell us and we’ll deliver a replacement free of charge.
FAQ about hiring Python developers
How much do Python freelancers make per hour?
The hourly rate of Python freelancers varies between $25 – $50 per hour for a junior position, $50 – $80 for a mid-level position, and $80 – $120 for senior positions, according to Medium.
How much does it cost to code with Python?
Python is completely free to use.
What is the average salary of a python programmer in the US?
The average Python developer salary in the US is $125,581 per year or around $60 per hour, according to Talent.com.
How to hire a Python developer?
To hire a Python developer, you need to:
1. First, make a candidate profile. 2. Write a job description that includes their main tasks and the technical abilities needed for the role. 3. Look for the right specialists on freelance platforms, job boards, etc. Lemon.io can match you with a skilled professional within 48 hours if you need a quick solution. 4. Look through their resumes and portfolios. 5. Test their personal skills and technical knowledge. Get the details about previous engagements, technologies that were brought into practice, etc. What challenges did they face? How were they solved? 6. Check references. 7. Offer them the job and get them started.
How do I find a good Python developer?
You can find a Python developer through marketplaces, online communities, industry events, conferences, recruitment agencies, and more. Finding a good specialist may take time, therefore you can try vetted platforms like Lemon.io, where they go through a resume review, and soft and hard skills interviews. Only passionate and dedicated developers are accepted!
What is the highest salary for a Python programmer?
According to Glassdoor, the highest salary for a Python programmer with around 15 years of experience is $135,772.
What is the no-risk trial period for hiring a Python developer on Lemon.io?
Lemon.io provides up to 20 prepaid risk-free hours with our Python developer to review how they complete real tasks on your projects. Otherwise, it is a zero-risk replacement guarantee: if the previous developer doesn’t meet your expectations or misses deadlines, we will find a new one for your project.
Why is it so hard to find good Python developers?
It is hard to find good Python developers, due to the high demand across industries, from web development to data science and AI, combined with a small talent pool holding advanced skill sets. Moreover, many experienced Python developers receive multiple competitive offers, thus making hiring tough.
How quickly can I hire a Python developer through Lemon.io?
You can hire a Python developer through Lemon.io in 48 hours. All the developers have already passed our vetting process, including VideoAsk, their me.lemon profile completion, a screening call with our recruiters including various technical questions, and a technical interview with our developers. We will ensure a fast and comfortable hiring process while matching you with the best Python developers in the industry, as only 1% of applicants are accepted into our community.
Q&A about hiring Python developers
- What are the challenges of using Python in large-scale enterprise applications?
- How does Python handle concurrency and parallelism?
- How does Python integrate with cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud?
- What are the advantages of using Python for API development?
- What are the most common Python frameworks for microservices architecture?
- What are the key considerations when choosing Python for Back-end development?
- How is Python used in Machine Learning and Data Science?
- Which is better, Python or C++?
- What are the best practices for optimizing Python code for performance?
- What is Python mainly used for?
- What is the impact of Python's dynamic typing on software development?
- How do Python's data processing libraries compare to those in other languages?
- What role does Python play in DevOps automation?
- How does Python support scalable web development?
- How do you ensure the security of Python applications in production?
Find Python developers for hire to help your startup
Used by Google, YouTube, Dropbox, Netflix, and other web giants, Python is one of the most in-demand programming languages. Hire Python coders to maintain apps, services, and client and server software.
Python is quick, saving your startup time. In fact, code that would take 3 hours in Java is a matter of minutes in Python.
Python is all about simplicity and flexibility, with straightforward syntax that makes it useful in all types of applications.
Widely supported
Topping the TIOBE index in 2022 and 2023, Python is the most popular language. All those supporters built massive support libraries.
Highly popular and open-sourced, Python has a rich ecosystem of third-party modules that extend its functionality.