Hire VB.NET developers
Develop powerful enterprise applications with expert VB.NET developers. Ensure stability and performance—hire now and onboard fast.
How to hire VB.NET developer through Lemon.io
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FAQ about hiring VB.NET developers
Where can I find VB.NET developers?
You can find VB.NET developers on job boards, freelance marketplaces, through professional networking, and by requesting help from a tech recruiter. Or in a smarter way, by partnering with Lemon.io.
Another option is to post job descriptions on LinkedIn and Glassdoor while looking for candidates with the needed expertise. Partnering with tech recruiters ensures quicker access to a vast pool of VB.NET talent. Freelance marketplaces are the best option if you need a software engineer specializing in VB.NET for a short-term project. Professional networking can work out great, but it’s more a matter of luck.
Partnering with Lemon.io saves you time on candidate search and monitoring and simplifies management. You can get straight to scanning CVs and interviews, and later, the company handles most of the management aspects while a developer is part of your team.
What is the no-risk trial period for hiring a VB.NET developer on Lemon.io?
The no-risk trial period for hiring a VB.NET developer on Lemon.io can entail an extra 20 paid hours before signing up for a subscription. If later it turns out that a VB.NET software engineer who has joined your team doesn’t fully satisfy your needs, just contact our team and let us know. You then can request a specialist substitution. As all candidates are pre-vetted, the risk of hiring the wrong person into your development team is really low.
Are VB.NET developers in demand?
VB.NET developers are in demand. This programming language remains widely used in enterprise development. In particular, it’s widely used for maintaining legacy corporate systems. Because of a high reliance on VB.NET applications in daily business operations, companies need specialists who can work with large codebases and have relevant domain knowledge.
Even firms transitioning to newer systems need VB.NET developers. In this case, their role is to support migration and refactoring of the existing codebase. Indeed, VB.NET isn’t the most popular programming language nowadays. Yet, developers who are proficient in it won’t be left without work anytime soon.
How quickly can I hire a VB.NET developer through Lemon.io?
You can hire a VB.NET developer through Lemon.io in 24 to 48 hours. The entire process takes just three simple steps: sharing your requirements for a candidate, looking through the CVs, and choosing the best match for your team. Then, we sign the agreements and can start the work.
In terms of time, it depends on how quickly you choose the VB.NET software developers to interview and decide on which one to hire. On our side, we guarantee pre-vetted developers and fast communication. Hiring a VB.NET software engineer through Lemon.io takes less time than looking for one on job platforms.
How much does a VB.NET developer charge per hour?
How much a VB.NET developer charges per hour depends, among other things, on a software engineer’s experience, location, skill set, and the industry that hires them. Entry-level developers can charge around $30 per hour, while the rate of senior software engineers can reach $130 per hour and more.
For example, the cost of living at major tech hubs on the coasts is much higher compared to countries in Latin America and Central/East Europe. It’s reflected in the salary levels. Developers working with finance or healthcare software can expect higher salaries compared to those in eCommerce or non-profit organizations. The knowledge of specific frameworks, cloud platforms, tools, design patterns, etc., also calls for higher compensation.
What is the vetting process for developers at Lemon.io?
The vetting process for developers at Lemon.io includes four stages.
A candidate creates a profile, and the system automatically decides whether to approve the registration. It’s decided based on a developer’s experience, tech stack, English level, and country. Our recruiters check a candidate’s CV and background. They scout professional networks, forums, and sometimes social networks, as well as other open data resources. A software developer is invited to a screening call with a recruiter. We also ask technical questions just to make sure the actual knowledge corresponds to what’s been stated in the profile. The recruitment team arranges a technical interview. A qualified team member joins to evaluate specific skills and knowledge through the live coding tasks.
Those who pass the vetting successfully join a pool of available software engineers and get a CV on Lemon.io.
How can your business benefit from hiring a VB.NET developer?
Your business can benefit from hiring a VB.NET developer as it gets a significant skill boost in the form of extra expertise. A VB.NET developer might have a reputation as someone who works with legacy enterprise systems. Yes, they overview the outdated systems and make sure the old stuff keeps working. In addition to the supporting function, they know or come up quickly with ways to enhance and exploit the potential of not-so-new software to the maximum.
What if your company plans to switch to newer systems? It’s still critical to have a VB.NET software engineer on your team. This person will overview the migration, making it as painful for the team as possible.
Why should I use Lemon.io for hiring developers?
You should use Lemon.io to hire developers for at least two major reasons:
1. We test and interview every developer who applies to join our network.
2. We match you with only one candidate at a time.
How does it make a difference? Our vetting process is very careful and detailed. You can be sure only solid professionals make it to the list of available developers. We connect you with a candidate that suits your project best, helping prevent doubts and doing the most complicated part of the analysis for you. Hence, you can get a qualified software developer in just a few days with minimum hustle.
Q&A about hiring VB.NET developers
- What are the main differences between VB.NET and C#?
- Which is better: VB.NET or C++?
- What is VB.NET used for?
- What are the typical applications of VB.NET in enterprise software?
- Will AI replace VB.NET developers?
- How does VB.NET handle object-oriented programming compared to Java?
- What are the advantages of using VB.NET?
- Which is better: VB.NET or Python?
- What coding language does VB.NET use?
- Is VB.NET commonly used for front-end or back-end development?