Hire Moleculer developers
Instantly build robust microservices. Moleculer devs rapidly deliver fault-tolerant Node.js solutions—onboard quickly within days.
How to hire Moleculer developer through Lemon.io
Place a free request
Tell us about your needs
Interview the best
Onboard the chosen one
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FAQ about hiring Moleculer developers
Where can I find Moleculer developers?
You can hire a Moleculer developer by posting a job description on job search platforms such as Indeed, LinkedIn, or Glassdoor. You can also use recruiting agencies’ services or visit the most famous freelance communities on GitHub or Stack Overflow websites.
Alternatively, you can check out Lemon.io, a platform with many pre-screened developers; they will connect you with a qualified Moleculer specialist based on your project needs.
What is the no-risk trial period for hiring Moleculer developers on Lemon.io?
At Lemon.io, the trial period for hiring developers includes a 20-hour risk-free paid trial. During this time, you can assess the developer’s performance on your tasks. If it turns out the developer doesn’t meet your expectations or doesn’t match your soft skills, we guarantee to provide you with another relevant engineer at no additional cost. This trial period will allow you to make sure that the developer is the perfect fit for you before you start working with them long-term.
Is there a high demand for Moleculer developers?
The demand for developers experienced in Moleculer is rather moderate. It’s a fast, open-source microservices framework for Node.js that helps build scalable and distributed applications. Due to its flexibility and many built-in features like service discovery, load balancing, or fault tolerance, it is widely adopted within the Node.js ecosystem. Nowadays, it is highly valued in projects requiring efficient microservices architecture, mostly in small to mid-sized companies.
How quickly can I hire a Moleculer developer through Lemon.io?
Share a detailed request, describe your project needs, and in 24-48 hours, get a shortlist of handpicked Moleculer developers selected personally for your position. After that, you can manage the hiring process at your own pace. Additional interview rounds may take another 5-7 days, but on average, it is possible to hire a Moleculer developer within 2-8 days through Lemon.io.
What are the main strengths of Lemon.io’s platform?
The main strengths of Lemon.io’s platform are:
1. We prioritize the client’s time by delivering a hand-picked shortlist of candidates within 24 to 48 hours, each perfectly suited to your project’s specific needs. Usually, our clients find the right fit among the 1-3 developers we recommend at first.
2. Once a developer is offered a project, they can be sure they are among the best and only compete with 1-2 other candidates with the same skill set.
3. The developers don’t need to waste their own time on sales and administration or negotiate terms; we consider their preferences and expertise levels to present only the most relevant options.
4. If a developer can’t proceed with the project for some reason, we match the client with another specialist with the same skill set.