Hire Delphi developers
Forget exhausting sourcing and screening the wrong candidates.
Hire fast and on budget—place a request, interview 1-3 curated developers, and get the best one onboarded by next Friday. Full-time or part-time, with optimal overlap.
How to hire Delphi developer through Lemon.io
Place a free request
Tell us about your needs
Interview the best
Onboard the chosen one
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Sourcing and vetting
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FAQ about hiring Delphi developers
Where can I find Delphi developers?
There are several channels to find Delphi developers. You can place job listings on different freelance platforms and then review developer profiles. You can also follow job boards such as Indeed, LinkedIn, or Glassdoor to look for profiles of Delphi developers. By participating in technology communities such as Stack Overflow, Reddit, and others you can establish communication with developers experienced with Delphi while professional networks like LinkedIn or Xing can connect you directly to interested candidates. There are also online forums focused on Delphi development, like the Embarcadero Delphi forum. The local meetups, tech conferences, and networking events are also an excellent way to find developers.
Lemon.io and other recruitment agencies/platforms that focus on finding remote tech talent can also aid in your developer search. With these channels, you can easily find good candidates.
What is the no-risk trial period for hiring a Delphi developer on Lemon.io?
We have built our hiring process to make it risk-free while ensuring that it helps you find the talent specific to your requirements. At Lemon.io, we offer trial periods of up to 20 hours after you start work with a Delphi developer. The trial period will help you decide whether the developer is suitable for your project or not. When the trial period is up and if you are happy with your developer we will bill you for that time (at our very affordable rates) and continue working together. If the developer does not meet your requirements, we can always find you another good candidate for your project.
Are Delphi developers in demand?
There is still demand for Delphi developers, especially for legacy systems and applications. There are many companies that continue to use Delphi for maintaining and updating their software systems. The demand is frequently generated by the requirement to support or upgrade these legacy systems. Meanwhile, because of Delphi’s strength as a desktop and enterprise application builder, it continues to cater well to specialized projects. Whereas the market for Delphi developers may not be as booming as it is for other, more modern, and widespread programming languages or frameworks, there are some sectors – finance, and healthcare, to name a few – where there is still a demand.
How quickly can I hire a Delphi developer through Lemon.io?
You can hire Delphi developers through Lemon.io in as little as one week. Upon contacting Lemon.io, we will introduce you to a validated talent pool.
The hiring process at Lemon.io involves several steps. First, free consultation, which is usually 1 or 2 days. This is followed by the matchmaking to find a good fit Delphi developer from our talent pool, normally completed within 24-48 hours. Next, you can start interviewing the shortlisted candidate(s) to validate if they are right for your project. Usually, it takes about 3 days considering both your and a candidate’s availability. If you like a candidate we can proceed with arranging a paid trial period. If a selected developer fits your project requirements you can continue working with that developer.
How much does a Delphi developer charge per hour?
Hourly rates of Delphi developers might depend on many factors such as experience, location, and how complicated the project is. If you are hiring in areas with lower cost of living like Eastern Europe or some regions in Asia, you may pay less per hour than, say, somewhere more expensive like North America and Western Europe, where they tend to charge higher rates. You might pay more even for the specific expertise of an engineer or time-sensitive work.
The average rates for Delphi developers: junior developers earn $20-40 per hour; mid-level developers – $40-70 per hour; and senior professionals earn between about $70-120+ per hour.
What is the vetting process for developers at Lemon.io?
At Lemon.io, we developed a rigorous vetting process to find the best developers for our clients. This process is divided into several phases:
1. Application & shortlisting candidates. Profiles are submitted by candidates and then automatically vetted for experience, tech stack, English proficiency and location. The automated system decides whether they meet the first filtering criteria or not.
2. Profile verification. We verify all skills and experience the candidates include in their CVs and LinkedIn profiles.
3. Tech screening call. Candidates have a screening call with recruiters and respond to technical questions on Coderbyte.
4. Hard skills interview with technical and live coding tasks. Finally, we test the coding skills and tech knowledge by giving a set of live coding tasks.
How can your business benefit from hiring a Delphi developer?
Hiring a Delphi developer gives a few benefits, especially if you work with legacy systems or need specific application functionality.
1. Maintenance of legacy systems. Businesses come to us with Delphi-built legacy systems still in place. These systems can be kept up to date and in good running order (including performance tuning) by a Delphi developer.
2. Cost-efficiency. Hiring a dedicated Delphi developer can be cost-efficient, especially if your company has existing Delphi applications. Rather than moving to another platform, a Delphi developer can complement and expand the features of your existing software.
3. Quick development, known as rapid application development (RAD) with Delphi. An experienced Delphi developer knows how to quickly develop, test, and deploy new applications to reduce the time-to-market of a product.
4. Cross-platform development. Delphi supports cross-platform development for Windows, macOS, iOS and Android. This allows a Delphi developer to build applications that function across different platforms, which in turn increases your product’s reach.
5. Customizable and flexible solutions. A Delphi developer can build a customized application that caters to your business needs.
Why should I use Lemon.io for hiring developers?
By choosing Lemon.io to hire developers, you can be confident your software will be in the best hands. Each developer at Lemon.io is rigorously screened through technical tests, live interviews, and test projects.
Our platform connects you with developers from different countries making it easy to find the one who best suits your project. With our matching system, we can connect you to top developers ready to work on your project within 48 hours. Moreover, Lemon.io provides a paid trial period of up to 20 hours that will help you determine if a developer performs as expected. If a selected candidate doesn’t meet your expectations we’ll find an immediate replacement for them. Additionally, Lemon.io assists with your hiring and engagement process, covering communication and project management as well as issue resolution.
Q&A about hiring Delphi developers
- Why do some startups choose Delphi over other programming languages?
- What is Delphi used for?
- Is Delphi primarily used for front-end or back-end development?
- What is the difference between Delphi and C++?
- What are the primary industries using Delphi today?
- Will AI replace Delphi developers?
- Is it better to use Delphi or Python for data processing applications?
- Is Delphi better than Visual Studio?
- What are the limitations of Delphi in modern software development?
- How does Delphi compare to Java for enterprise applications?
- How does Delphi’s performance compare to C# for high-demand applications?
- What are the advantages of using Delphi for desktop applications?