Hire Core Location developers
Speed up GPS integration in your apps. Skilled Core Location developers deliver accurate geolocation features—start onboarding quickly, within days.
How to hire Core Location developer through Lemon.io
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Onboard the chosen one
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FAQ about hiring Core Location developers
Where can I find Core Location developers?
You can find Core Location developers by looking for an iOS specialist with this particular experience. To do that, try posting a job description on Glassdoor/LinkedIn, or check out freelance platforms, agencies, or developer forums (Github and Stack Overflow are by far the most well-known). After that comes the tough part: sifting through hundreds of profiles, picking the ones with the most relevant experience, and checking their technical expertise and communication skills during several interviews.
This is where Lemon.io can help; in less than 48 hours, we’ll send you a few hand-picked pre-screened profiles that fit your requirements perfectly. You’ll then have a chance to meet them, and if all goes well, you can just sign up for a subscription and get to work with your new teammate!
What is the no-risk trial period for hiring Core Location developers on Lemon.io?
A no-risk trial period for hiring Core Location developers on Lemon.io is a paid trial, up to 20 hours, that you can use before committing to a subscription. This way you can check that the developer gets the work done and fits nicely within your current team.
In case the chosen candidate does not meet your expectations or is not clicking with the teammates, we are ready to match you with another candidate with a very similar skill set. Admittedly, this is not something we would usually have to do. But it’s our promise, just in case
Is there a high demand for Core Location developers?
Yes, there is a high demand for Core Location developers. As you might have been noticing lately, there is hardly an app that doesn’t use your location, at least for recommendations. This is where developers who specialize in Core Location framework are needed, as they can build systems that GPS, geofencing, and other location-based services. The industries where Core Location developers are in demand are retail, transportation/logistics, healthcare, travel and hospitality, real estate, wellness, smart cities, etc.
How quickly can I hire a Core Location developer through Lemon.io?
You can hire a Core Location developer through Lemon.io in 48 hours! Our matching team will carefully select a few pre-vetted (meaning our tech interviewers have already checked their expertise in the main stack) developers, who check all the boxes from your requirements list. Then you are welcome to interview one or a few of them in order to make your decision. After that is done, we help you set up a subscription, and you can start working with the chosen developer as soon as you both are ready!
What are the main strengths of Lemon.io’s platform?
The main strengths of Lemon.io’s platform are:
1. We prioritize the client’s time by sending a select few candidates within 24-48 hours, all of whom have experience that aligns perfectly with the project’s requirements. Typically, the client chooses one of these 1-3 developers to work with.
2. Our vetting process is efficient and transparent. It involves screening CVs/experience and conducting two interviews: one with a recruiter to evaluate the developer’s soft skills and suitability for startup environments, and one or more technical interviews for the core stack.
3. No payment is required for the screening and matching processes. Clients only pay for the work carried out by the developer they have selected.
4. We are capable of sourcing developers for both subscription and direct hire formats.
5. Although infrequent, we can replace a developer with another who also meets all the requirements, if necessary.
6. Developers are relieved from the burden of sales, administration, and negotiating terms and conditions. We consider all their preferences and expertise to offer them only the most suitable opportunities.
7. Once offered a project, a developer can be confident they are competing with only 1-2 developers of similar expertise, giving them a real chance of securing the project.