Hire Core Animation developers
Rapidly enhance iOS/macOS animations. Core Animation devs build fluid, engaging user interfaces—onboard within days.
How to hire Core Animation developer through Lemon.io
Place a free request
Tell us about your needs
Interview the best
Onboard the chosen one
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What we do for you
Sourcing and vetting
Arranging cooperation
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FAQ about hiring Core Animation developers
Where can I find Core Animation developers?
You can find iOS developers with expertise in Core Animation by making a job post for an iOS developer on job board platforms like Indeed, Glassdoor, or LinkedIn, as well as checking out some freelance platforms, agencies, or developer communities (Github, Stack Overflow, or any social media with developer forums).
However, you also need to do your own vetting afterward, like choosing the most fitting candidates from hundreds of applications and then conducting several interviews with each of them.
This can be especially difficult if you are not used to hiring on your own or lack tech expertise in Core Animation. This is where Lemon.io can help – in less than 48 hours we provide you with a couple of hand-picked pre-vetted profiles that match your expectations perfectly, and then all you need to do is to meet them and sign up for a subscription (yes, like Netflix).
What is the no-risk trial period for hiring Core Animation developers on Lemon.io?
A no-risk trial period for hiring Core Animation developers on Lemon.io is a paid trial (up tp 20 hours), which you can utilize to make sure you’ve made the correct choice and the selected candidate performs well on practical tasks and gets along with the team. If everything checks out, you can work with the developer on a subscription basis going forward.
We will also pair you with a new Core Animation developer if the current one falls short of your expectations. To be honest, we’ve never had to use this. However, it’s our promise, just in case.
Is there a high demand for Core Animation developers?
Yes, there is a high demand for Core Animation developers. It’s a framework that helps with graphics rendering to create fun animated user interfaces for all types of Apple devices, so there are quite a lot of possible use cases, including such industries as mobile app applications (a huge market), gaming, media/entertainment, advertising, healthcare, education, e-commerce, and fintech.
How quickly can I hire a Core Animation developer through Lemon.io?
You can hire a Core Animation developer through Lemon.io in 48 hours! We are big on being fast and efficient, which is why in 24-48 hours, you will be matched with a few candidates who check all the boxes from your requirements and have already been interviewed by our tech specialists in order to check their level of expertise with the main stack. All you have to do is meet the ones you like the most and choose the developer you feel most confident about. Then we just have to set up a subscription, and all is ready for you and your new hire to start working together!
What are the main strengths of Lemon.io’s platform?
The main strengths of Lemon.io’s platform are:
1. We are fast and efficient. In most cases, the clients choose the developer they want to work with among the first 1-3 perfect candidates we send in under 48 hours, in accordance with the project’s tech and soft skills requirements, scope, starting date, etc.
2. Our team has thoroughly vetted all the community specialists, including their CVs and backgrounds, communication skills and suitability for startups, and technical expertise with the core technologies and languages.
3. It doesn’t matter to us whether a client is looking for a contractor on a subscription basis or wants to hire directly; we can find candidates for both options.
4. The only thing the clients have to pay for is the work done by the developer they decide to work with; the matching and screening are on us.
5. Although there is no need to do that usually, we can also match the clients with another developer if the cooperation with the current one is not going as expected.
6. As for the developers, there is no need to spend time on sales and administration or negotiating the terms anymore; we consider their preferences and expertise to offer only the most suitable opportunities
7. Once we offer a project, the candidates can be sure they are among the best and only compete with one or two other candidates, thus having a real chance of landing it.