Hire Chrome extensions developers
Instantly build user-friendly browser extensions. Chrome extension devs deliver powerful integrations—hire and onboard quickly, in under a week.
How to hire Chrome extensions developer through Lemon.io
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FAQ about hiring Chrome extensions developers
Where can I find Chrome extensions developers?
If you are looking to hire Chrome Extension developers, you can start with specialized developer communities like GitHub, where developers advertise their work by contributing to open-source projects. Next in line is LinkedIn, where you can directly connect with experienced professionals or freelance platforms if you are considering short-term or project-based employment. Yet, if you want to save time from detailed job descriptions, application screening, candidate interviews, and competency checking, consider Lemon.io. We can connect you with a pre-vetted Chrome Extensions developer within 48 hours.
What is the no-risk trial period for hiring Chrome extensions developers on Lemon.io?
Lemon.io gives you a chance to see how well a Chrome Extensions developer fits your team for as long as 20 hours of no-risk paid trial. If you like the results, you can either subscribe or hire them directly. If you are not satisfied, we’ll find another specialist to replace the previous one. Yet, such cases in Lemon.io are noticeably rare.
Is there a high demand for Chrome extensions developers?
Yes, there is a huge demand for Chrome Extensions developers. This could be fuelled by the fact that Chrome is used as the most popular web browser, and hence, its extensions are pretty useful in enhancing productivity, customizing user experiences, and making integrations with other services. Specifically, Chrome Extensions are highly requested in domains like productivity tools, cybersecurity, ad-blocking, and e-commerce and social media browser-based applications. As businesses move toward the ease of integrated browser solutions, the demand for professional developers who can build and maintain such extensions only increases.
How quickly can I hire a Chrome extensions developer through Lemon.io?
Lemon.io will match you with the best available Chrome Extension developers within 48 hours. We will set up a few calls between you and the candidates you’d like to meet face-to-face. We select only the most competent and trustworthy professionals for our platform. Each candidate has to go through a very serious selection process, which includes checking their profile, soft skills, and hard skills. Only 1% of all applicants are accepted to Lemon.io. Thus, you get the highest quality talent.
What are the main strengths of Lemon.io’s platform?
Lemon.io is a fast and cost-effective way to find contractors. We save you time by providing you with 1-2 pre-screened developer profiles in just two days. Our contractors undergo an in-depth screening process where we review profiles and assess soft and hard skills. Also, you can find flexibility with subscription or direct hire models, with a no-risk, paid 20-hour trial, work monitoring, and replacement if needed. Yet, replacements are quite uncommon at Lemon.io.