Hire ASH developers
Rapidly develop resilient Elixir applications. Expert ASH developers simplify backend development—hire now and onboard within days.
How to hire ASH developer through Lemon.io
Place a free request
Tell us about your needs
Interview the best
Onboard the chosen one
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FAQ about hiring ASH developers
Where can I find ASH developers?
You can find ASH developers by posting a job description on LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, or other job board platforms. If you want to avoid dealing with hundreds of CVs, try a more targeted approach, like checking the available specialists with ASH framework among their skills on LinkedIn, developer communities like Github or Stackoverflow, or freelance platforms. But again, you have to screen dozens of profiles and do the interviewing to ensure their experience with the framework is what you are looking for.
In case you don’t have the capacity to do all that, there is also Lemon.io, where you will be connected with a few developers whose expertise has already been checked by our team and even proven on projects with us.
What is the no-risk trial period for hiring ASH developers on Lemon.io?
A no-risk trial period for hiring ASH developers is a way for you to further assess the developer’s skills during a paid 20-hour trial. We do realize that for some projects of extreme complexity, it can be fairly challenging to choose the right specialist after just a few interviews. That’s why you can use the trial option to check how the developer performs on real-life tasks and communicates with the team.
Although our matching process is extremely careful, we still promise to connect you with another developer if anything goes wrong during your cooperation with the chosen specialist. Just in case.
Is there a high demand for ASH developers?
Yes, the ASH framework is in demand for projects that use Elixir, as it’s an application development framework for Elixir. ASH is declarative and resource-oriented and especially shines when building web apps, APIs, and services. ASH/Elixir developers are sought after in such industries as telecoms, banking, e-commerce, advertising, instant messaging, and more.
How quickly can I hire a ASH developer through Lemon.io?
You can hire an ASH developer through Lemon.io in about 48 hours! This will be enough time for us to study your project and requirements and then hand-pick a few developers who have proved the tech expertise you are looking for during their onboarding to the platform. All this makes it possible for you to meet the candidates and decide who to work with in just a few days. However, you can also have a few soft/hard skill interviews with a candidate to be on the safer side. After you make your decision, we will set up a subscription asap (like Netflix).
What are the main strengths of Lemon.io’s platform?
The main strengths of Lemon.io’s platform are speed and efficiency. If you’re a startup looking for an experienced developer, then you can save quite some time and money by letting us select a few best candidates for your project. That will take us only 24-48 hours, and all the specialists you see will already be carefully pre-vetted by our recruiters and technical specialists (tech discussions + live coding), making us confident in their skill and communication. We find developers on more than 300 resources, all of them having 4+ years of experience. Most importantly, all that work will be free for you, as all you have to pay for is actual coding done by a developer and nothing else (you can also work both through a subscription or hire directly, btw).
Are you a developer looking for a cool project with a startup from the USA or Western Europe? Then there are some great perks for you, too! Forget about sales, administration, and discussions on terms and conditions; all that stuff is handled by us. We will only offer you projects considering your preferences. Also, no competing with hundreds of other applicants; you’ll have a real chance of landing a project as you’ll be among the few best candidates.