Psst! Wanna some senior Android experts? Hire them with Lemon.io with no extra sweat and trouble!

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How to build a succesful startup app? Ask us!

If your business doesn’t have an app, you don’t exist in our mobile-first world nowadays. As an entrepreneur, it will be tougher to beat the competitors if you don’t plan and invest in app creation.
Otherwise, you will be stuck paying a fortune with low success chances. Do you need it? No. Applications bring the desired traction to startup ideas, making them more practical and easily scalable.
To build a successful startup app, you need to hire professional app developers who magically intertwine your original ideas with tech solutions and add much-needed momentum to the growing process.
Android is one of the most common app development platforms (together with iOS), so there are big chances you will pick it for your business.
Read on to spark your growth!

Do you want to hire top senior Android developers for your startup without shaving thousands of dollars off your accounts? Hire them at Lemon.io — a talent marketplace for vetted developers, helping Western entrepreneurs boost their businesses since 2015.
Let’s roll!

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Dev Pic

Yuriy P.

// senior mobile developer

Senior software developer with nine years of experience in the industry. In recent years, his focus area has been mobile development with Kotlin and Android SDK.

  • android
  • java
  • +2 skills
Dev Pic

Vsevolod K.

// senior mobile developer

Vsevolod is a skilled and diverse Android developer and an experienced feature lead. He's been writing code in Kotlin since its first beta versions and has worked a lot for the Chinese market.

  • android
  • java
  • kotlin

Huseyin B.

// strong middle mobile developer

Huseyin is a mobile developer who knows everything of his job. He's been coding for 7 years, and his primary expertise is Android. Open to new challenges.

  • android
  • kotlin

What’s next?

An average mobile owner in 2022 spends 3 hours 40 minutes on their smartphone daily. Apps take the lion’s share of this time: most of us spend only 20 minutes of the «phone time»‎ outside them. So, you need an app if you want to engage new customers and retain the old ones. Otherwise, you will be ignored and forgotten — even if your ideas are worth spreading and using.

In this article, we will answer several basic questions that will help you orient yourself in the world of senior talent hiring — and the realm of Android apps or expert Android developers.

After devouring it completely, we’re positive that you’ll be much more prepared to hire senior Android app developers and make informed choices that will eventually lead you to success.

The future of mobile app development

Some 10 years ago, mobile app development was a classic underdog in the «classic» app development world. Microsoft and Amazon didn’t believe in the mobile industry — probably thinking that the next digital revolution was still far beyond the horizon.

However, 2020 and 2021, with its COVID pandemic and total lockdowns chaining people in front of their blue (portable) screens, became a turning point for mobile app development in general and Android apps in particular. The number of downloads for various home-, culture-, business-, and medicine-related apps grew exponentially, and the end of this trend is far from near.

Currently, there are 3,2 billion smartphone users worldwide — and one can’t oppose the fact that Android apps are here to stay for long. By 2026, there will be 7,5 billion smartphone owners. During the last two years, mobile app revenues grew exponentially — from $461 billion in 2019 to $631 billion in 2021.

Android has been recently named the most popular OS in the world — its 2,5 billion users span over 190 countries. With Android, Google Play grew — and this synergy has yielded even greater OS popularity. In most countries, Android is the dominant OS: in Brazil, Turkey, and India, it has conquered 85% of the app market.

Why do native mobile apps rule?

By native app development, we understand developing applications and programs for certain platforms and devices (e.g., iOS or Android). Web engineers, who are into native app development, use specific native programming languages for each OS. Android apps are coded in Java or Kotlin, whereas iOS apps are created in Objective-C and Swift.

Native app development is crucial if you want to provide top-quality UX for your application because it lets developers add extra functionality and possibilities. Within native app development, it’s possible to employ the core smartphone tools and functions (GPS, proximity sensors, microphones, and cameras).

Now, let’s briefly name the main bonuses of native (e.g., Android) app development.

Bonuses of native mobile apps

Do you want to build a native Android app? A perfect choice! Native Android applications have tons of advantages compared to cross-platform ones.


High speed

Unlike hybrid and cross-platform apps, native ones don’t contain complicated and tangled code and turn out to be much faster;


Offline functionality

Native apps work perfectly well even when you can’t catch a signal;


Intuitiveness and interactiveness

Native apps are created for a concrete OS, and their creators stick to the guidelines guaranteeing enhanced UX that ideally corresponds to the OS in question. Moreover, they have pre-installed libraries and components that will work smoothly;


Extra narrow bug scope

Since native apps work on a single codebase and don’t rely on cross-platform tools, they tend to have very few bugs;


Better performance

Native applications are the wisest choice when it comes to productivity and experience. Native Android app development allows managing memory and eventually enhances the overall performance of the app in question;


Better security

Native applications have inbuilt security functions and access to security chips. These functions make file and neural network encrypting easier.

Now that we’ve covered the topic of Android native applications’ bonuses, it’s high time to dig deeper into seniority issues.

Who are senior developers — and do you need them for your startup? What makes seniority — and how do middles differ from seniors?

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Dec 22, 2020

Senior developers: who are they, and why do you need them?

According to their proficiency and years of experience, web engineers are generally classified as juniors, middles, or seniors. This uniform classification is clear and convenient for HR managers and developers. No one knows exactly who its author was — but many IT pundits have somehow amended and clarified it in their manner. Check out Sijin Joseph’s version: he described all categories’ skill levels for each practical and theoretical IT realm.

Junior developer

They’ve already made some initial steps in IT — but the core bulk of skills and knowledge still lies ahead for them. A good junior’s key feature is a wish to dig deeper into research, classify the found information, and draw the right conclusions. Of course, they need (and almost always have) mentors or team leads, but they should be interested in creative independence right from the start. Their code is far from ideal, often entangled and excessively complicated. Many junior programmers (mobile application developers included) register on bidding marketplaces (like Freelancer or 99Designs) to complete paid projects while learning.

Middle developer

They’re (surprise!) somewhere in the middle between juniors and seniors: they don’t need mentors (that’s one blocker less, ergo the tasks are completed faster), can find efficient and workable solutions, but they still can’t see the general detailed picture. Nevertheless, some promising middles can already clearly imagine the project’s aim and adjust their ongoing practical decisions. Such devs can become mentors for junior coders and expand their communication pool. Moreover, mid-level engineers frequently follow best practices and standards, minimizing failures and easing collaboration.

What are seniors’ benefits?

Seniors are confident, open-minded, and creative. They know several programming languages, think several steps ahead, and get the full scope of connections and project logic. They’ve already seen thousands of lines of complicated and ineffective code, which helps them avoid standard mistakes and failures.

  • Seniors don’t need mentors — furthermore, they can be mentors themselves (and use their trainees’ bugs as a base for future QA), choose the general development strategies and predict potential bottlenecks;
  • Senior developers are in constant search. They learn new technologies, analyze them, and use the most suitable tools instead of the most fashionable ones;
  • A helicopter view of the projects makes it easier for senior developers to understand all the implications of their decisions and forecast the risks;
  • Seniors do a lot of daily communication with their teams, clients, mentees, etc. They must have good soft skills and an appropriate level of English.

Now you see that you need senior Android developers for your project, don’t you?

Skills to look for when you hire senior Android developers?

To hire the best senior Android engineers, you must evaluate the following skills:

Java and Android Studio proficiency

These are necessary prerequisites for quality programming. Java and Android Studio will aid professionals in streamlining the major processes and producing reliable solutions.

Detailed knowledge of APIs

Modern applications can (and probably will) include many third-party features and attributes, so you can’t go further without a decent API command. Besides, fast feature integration via XML/SOAP or JSON/REST greatly simplifies development cycles.

Thorough understanding of XML

Android’s mission is to make data services easily accessible and usable. XML technologies are extensively used to configure databases and make them useful in app design. Ideally, try to find senior Android programmers with 3 to 4 years of experience in XML-related technologies.

Front-end and back-end knowledge

Hiring senior Android application developers with experience in front-end, back-end, and cross-functional development is essential for everyone wishing to charge their development team with stellar professionals. Don’t kid yourself into thinking that programmers lacking some kind of the said proficiencies will nevertheless help your startup reach the top rating positions. They can — but it probably will be pure luck. Both programming elements and user interfaces matter, so take your time and test the applicants rigidly.

Perfect database aptitude

The majority of modern enterprise-level apps are impossible without massive data processing. Operating massive amounts of data requires a thorough understanding of database technologies. To make sure your team is armed with top Android development masters, hire senior Android engineers with attested professional skills in working with databases.

Where can you hire senior Android developers?

Generally, there are two main variants to consider. Either you roll up your sleeves and start looking for proficient senior Android engineers yourself — or use the marketplaces that may ease the search process.
Hire them yourself? Sounds fabulous and thrifty, although…

  • Who hires alone, searches alone. When was the last time you looked for senior Android engineers? Opening Google’s start page and typing «senior Android developers for hire» doesn’t bring them to you fit and ready for faultless coding. Google is a giant space for every kind of information; its filtering is entirely on you. Besides, even if you punch the aforementioned query, big chance you will end up on one of the talent platforms where developers go for guaranteed hiring.‎
  • Senior Android developers are engaged in other projects and don’t have much time for yours. If you don’t want to be fed up with declines, you’d better choose another option.
  • Hire yourself — check yourself. Do you know how to check senior developers’ skills? If you’re not an Android engineer, the answer will probably be «not quite». Do you need that kind of extra headache?
  • Who are to blame for hiring failures? You are. Let skillful HR or Talent Acquisition professionals do their job. They have surely collected the gallery of tips and stories (and failures to learn from, for that matter) you still lack for experience.
  • A startup? Not again. The benefits of startups compared to established big tech companies are plenty. However, Google, Amazon, Uber, and other tech veterans remain dream jobs among the IT folk. What’s more, if you haven’t a Google-level reputation, no senior Android developer will agree to quit their ongoing projects and make a leap of faith in your startup. Who will feed their family if you go bankrupt? Ugh, that aches.

Bidding vs. vetting marketplaces

There are two main kinds of marketplaces out there. Bidding and vetting marketplaces are different in filtering the offered specialists. The former let everyone register and mainly don’t check credentials. The latter have a special set of pre-testing procedures. All the candidates you see on the pages of vetting marketplaces have already been checked.

Bidding platforms

The principle is quite plain. Startup owners post their bids (job descriptions and money offers) and filter all the candidates themselves. The core principle is that of a reverse auction: the smaller the rate developer offers, the more chances they have to be hired. Have you seen any mentions of quality in the description? Neither have we.

Surely the most attended bidding marketplace, where you can get free hands for all your startup tasks. Just punch «freelancer» in Google — and you’ll land here with no sweat. All the pros and cons of bidding marketplaces included: candidates are copious, but we’d rather look for senior Android developers elsewhere.

PeoplePerHour is the «longest-running freelance website in the UK»‎ (functions since 2007), where you can hire web engineers from Great Britain. 15 years of experience suffice for gathering a decent talent pool — but do you want to hire senior Android developers with British salary expectations? Check your piggy bank twice.

Vetting platforms

If you’d rather spend your precious time with the startup owner on accelerating growth and looking for scaling channels, the vetting option is a blessing. All the candidates the Sales and Matching teams will offer you there are pre-vetted. It means the appropriate specialists have already checked their IT talents and thoroughly analyzed their profiles in professional networks. English proficiency check is considered a sign of good manners in the marketplace realm: skillful senior Android developers just can’t go without good English, helping them to communicate with clients worldwide.

This vetting marketplace boasts of connecting the top 1% of the world’s programming talents with the Valley startups. The «intelligent talent cloud»‎ technology, partly AI-based vetting procedure, and bountiful onboarding tools make finding developers with Turing an exciting adventure. Worth trying for experiment fans.

Why hire senior Android developers through Lemon.io?


Impeccable teamwork

We know everything about remote management since all the Lemon.io employees work remotely (feeling no shortage of company care).


Tailored services

Full-time, part-time, maybe a couple or even a team? Hang on. We’ll return with candidates tomorrow.


Crystal-clear payment procedures

Our accountants don’t get their money for nothing.


Agile workflow

Tasks, tickets, punctuality. Both sides win.


Quick matching

1-2 working days after the discovery call. And the possibility of swift substitution!


Extensive talent pool

We don’t let them sit on a bench for too long.


Caring Customer Success department

They will always offer you some helping hands.

Hiring senior Android developers through Lemon.io

After contacting our Sales squad, wait for them to reach out.

You can share your wants, needs, and expectations on the discovery call. The more you clarify, the easier it will be for us to find you the best senior Android developer.

Nowadays, we accept developers from nearly all European countries and Latin America.

In 2-3 business days, we will offer you the first couple of candidates. You’re free to accept or decline them — if there’s no chemistry between you, we’ll pick up some more!

On the job interview, you can ask any kind of questions. Live coding sessions are also a pretty viable option.
Your cooperation will start immediately after the final decision!

professional networks check (LinkedIn, GitHub, forums)
dots dots-mobile
english proficiency test (oral/written communication)
dots dots-mobile
soft skills test (communication, time management, empathy)
dots dots-mobile
coding proficiency test (live coding & code analysis)
dots dots-mobile
that's it. you are ready to hire your first engineer

Such a rigid triage permits only small number of candidates go through and end up in our talent pool — fit and ready for hiring. If you’re still unsure about some points of our vetting, feel free to scan our detailed material on that.

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Dev Pic

Yuriy P.

// senior mobile developer

Senior software developer with nine years of experience in the industry. In recent years, his focus area has been mobile development with Kotlin and Android SDK.

  • android
  • java
  • +2 skills
Dev Pic

Vsevolod K.

// senior mobile developer

Vsevolod is a skilled and diverse Android developer and an experienced feature lead. He's been writing code in Kotlin since its first beta versions and has worked a lot for the Chinese market.

  • android
  • java
  • kotlin

Huseyin B.

// strong middle mobile developer

Huseyin is a mobile developer who knows everything of his job. He's been coding for 7 years, and his primary expertise is Android. Open to new challenges.

  • android
  • kotlin


  • What are the tools used by Android developers?

    Here’s a brief list.
    Android Studio (the official IDE for Android development)
    Android NDK (or Native Development Kit)

    ADB (Android Debug Bridge) — for debugging devices

    Genymotion (an emulator allowing interaction with a virtual Android environment)

    Instabug (a tool for bug control)

  • Why is Android widespread?

    There are two key reasons. First, Android devices expand throughout all possible price ranges (and therefore are suitable for different audiences). Secondly, more and more smartphones are Android-based.

  • What kind of Android developers should I hire?

    Everything depends on your project and its specifications. Nevertheless, we advise you to look for senior-level developers because they are the most proficient specialists. What is more, native Android devs are better than cross-platform ones. They work with Java and Kotlin languages (FYI). We recommend you carefully analyze your project requirements before making a definitive decision. 

  • Will the Android developer hired be available during work hours in my time zone?

    Yes, if you will demand them to be available (or discuss a necessary number of the overlap hours). 

  • How many developers are needed to build an Android app?

    Everything depends on the project specifications and your developers’ level of expertise. As a rule, one senior Android developer can handle many petty tasks you’d normally distribute among several juniors found on Upwork. A standard mobile app will need a team of 4-7 developers consisting of front- and back-end specialists, a DevOps, a UX designer, and a QA pro.

How can you find your senior Android developer with us?

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