Hire .NET developers

Develop enterprise software, cloud applications, and secure systems with expert .NET developers.

fully vetted developers
24 hours
average matching time
2.3M hours
worked since 2015
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Senior .NET developer
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Hire remote .NET developers

Hire remote .NET developers

Developers who got their wings at:
Gotta drop in here for some Kudos. I’m 2 weeks into working with a super legit dev on a critical project and he’s meeting every expectation so far 👏
Francis Harrington
Founder at ProCloud Consulting, US
I recommend Lemon to anyone looking for top-quality engineering talent. We previously worked with TopTal and many others, but Lemon gives us consistently incredible candidates.
Allie Fleder
Co-Founder & COO at SimplyWise, US
I've worked with some incredible devs in my career, but the experience I am having with my dev through Lemon.io is so 🔥. I feel invincible as a founder. So thankful to you and the team!
Michele Serro
Founder of Doorsteps.co.uk, UK
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How to hire .NET developer through Lemon.io

Place a free request

Place a free request

Fill out a short form and check out our ready-to-interview developers
Tell us about your needs

Tell us about your needs

On a quick 30-min call, share your expectations and get a budget estimate
Interview the best

Interview the best

Get 2-3 expertly matched candidates within 24-48 hours and meet the worthiest
Onboard the chosen one

Onboard the chosen one

Your developer starts with a project—we deal with a contract, monthly payouts, and what not


What we do for you

Sourcing and vetting

Sourcing and vetting

All our developers are fully vetted and tested for both soft and hard skills. No surprises!
Expert matching


We match fast, but with a human touch—your candidates are hand-picked specifically for your request. No AI bullsh*t!
Arranging cooperation

Arranging cooperation

You worry not about agreements with developers, their reporting, and payments. We handle it all for you!
Support and troubleshooting

Support and troubleshooting

Things happen, but you have a customer success manager and a 100% free replacement guarantee to get it covered.

Why hire .NET developers through Lemon.io?

Hire dedicated .Net developers you can trust to move your startup forward on your roadmap. When you hire through Lemon.io, you get vetted devs fast, backed by a guarantee, so you can stop worrying about hiring and focus on where you’re going.

4-step vetting process

Get access to 1300+ vetted, senior engineers who have proved their skills through our four-step vetting process.

Matches in 48 hours

Tell a matching manager what you need from a dev, and you’ll get a list of skilled candidates in just 48 hours.

Dev-replacement guarantee

On the off-chance your dev doesn’t blow you away, simply tell your matching manager and they’ll replace them free of charge.

Simplify your hiring process with remote .NET developers

faq image

FAQ about hiring .NET developers

What is the average hourly rate for a .NET developer in the US?

GlassDoor reports that the average hourly rate for a .NET developer is $46 per hour in the US.

Where can I find a .NET developer?

You can find .NET developers on LinkedIn, specialized job boards, freelance platforms, recruitment agencies, and referrals and recommendations. Lemon.io can also help you to find a perfect .NET match.

Is .NET outdated in 2024?

No, .NET is growing in 2024. It is used in almost all business apps for its good performance, safety, open-source design, and other benefits.

Who still uses .NET?

StackOverflow, Microsoft Graph, UPS, Bing, and many others are still .NET customers, according to Microsoft.

What is the no-risk trial period for Lemon.io Hire .NET developers?

Lemon.io provides up to 20 prepaid risk-free hours with our .NET developer to review how they complete real tasks on your projects. Otherwise, it is a zero-risk replacement guarantee: if the previous developer doesn’t meet your expectations or misses deadlines, we will find a new one for your project.

Are .NET developers in demand?

Yes, .NET developers are in demand in 2024. Many businesses use it for building all types of applications like websites, mobile applications, cloud services, and so on. The demand for it is expanded by the integration of additional tools like Azure and Visual Studio. Also, updates like .NET Core and .NET 6 keep developers relevant and in high demand in the modern job market across a broad range of industries.

Can I hire a Hire .NET developer in less than 48 hours through Lemon.io?

You can hire a .NET developer through Lemon.io in 48 hours. All the developers have already passed our vetting process, including VideoAsk, their me.lemon profile completion, a screening call with our recruiters including various technical questions, and a technical interview with our developers. We will ensure a fast and comfortable hiring process while matching you with the best .NET developers in the industry, as only 1% of applicants are accepted into our community.

Is it hard to find .NET developers?

It is not hard to find .NET developers if you are not looking for a “purple squirrel”. However, finding a good specialist may take time, therefore you can try vetted platforms like Lemon.io, where they go through a resume review, and soft and hard skills interviews.

How to hire a .NET developer?

To hire a .NET developer, you need to:

1. When you’re looking to hire a .NET developer, first, create a job description. Include title, company info, tasks, pay, place, and time. Mention specific skills/technologies which can include ASP.NET or .NET Core, MVC, Web API, Entity Framework – as well as other tools like Visual Studio, Azure DevOps, or any other relevant ones.

2. Look for the right specialists on freelance platforms, job boards, etc. Lemon.io can match you with a skilled professional within 48 hours if you need a quick solution.

3. Review CVs and work samples.

4. Do soft-skill and tech interviews with them.

5. Check their references.

6. Give an offer and bring the new person on board.

Is it hard to find .NET developers?

No, it’s not hard to find .NET developers. There are many places with qualified developers, for instance, job boards like LinkedIn, specialized services like Lemon.io, various freelance platforms, etc. However, if you need a quick solution, we recommend our service. The Lemon.io matching team will do their best to match you with a potential candidate within 48 hours.

Is .NET development easy or difficult?

.NET development can be a bit challenging at the very beginning because of its high complexity, primarily in the concepts, such as asynchronous programming, and the number of available frameworks and tools. Still, with constant practice and learning resources at hand, like documentation, tutorials, and community support, it is easy to learn and master. It’s also worth mentioning that .NET and its mature ecosystem allow fast and efficient development by structuring development processes and increasing productivity.

Does .NET require coding?

Yes, .NET typically requires coding.


Hire .NET developers for your startup to add powerful tools to your team.

Major sites, like GoDaddy, Citrix, GlobeNewswire, and Salesforce’s investor relations use .NET because it’s a powerful, adaptable language. If you’re looking for a firm foundation you can grow off of, finding a highly skilled .NET developer for hire is your next step.


Streamlined development

The OOP approach simplifies programming, resulting in easier testing, better management, and responsive problem-solving which streamlines development.


Cross-Platform Design

The .NET core runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux, allowing your startup to expand to almost all platforms without leaving the .NET ecosystem.


Flexible Deployment

Multiple .NET Core versions can run simultaneously on one computer, making it possible for your devs to work on different projects simultaneously.


Large Online Community

The .NET framework is supported by devs across industries and company sizes, making solutions easy to come by in the community.


Ready-to-interview vetted .NET developers are waiting for your request