Hire CakePHP developers
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How to hire CakePHP developer through Lemon.io
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FAQ about hiring CakePHP developers
Where can I hire a CakePHP Developer?
To find the right Senior CakePHP Developer you can use Indeed, LinkedIn, GlassDoor and other platforms. You need to create the job listing, choose the relevant websites, publish the job listings, check the CVs, and proceed with the candidates who have the skills and experience that are good for your project. Afterwards, you need to make a large number of screening calls and hard skills interviews, choose the best candidate, and sign the contract with them. However, going through numerous of devs resumes and profiles can be extremely time-consuming and overwhelming, as well as communication, setuping up interviews and tech tasks to find the best candidates. If you prefer to cut this chase and focus on other tasks, Lemon.io is at your service. We will select for you 2-3 vetted candidates who meet all your requirements in 48 hours.
How to hire CakePHP developer?
To hire CakePHP Developer start by creating the company description, salary range for the position, and the list of skills and experience needed for the Senior CakePHP Developer position. Find or create screening questions to use during screening calls and technical interviews—choose questions relevant to the seniority level and tech stack of the position. If you prefer a different approach and are not prepared to spend time reviewing CVs and preparing for interviews, simply apply and share a project overview with our team. We will then present you with 2-3 qualified developers who have already completed all screening stages and are ready to join your project.
Are CakePHP developers still in demand?
Yes, CakePHP developers are in demand. CakePHP supports the MVC architecture, allowing the creation of maintainable code.
What are the best certifications for CakePHP developers?
The best certifications for CakePHP Developers are: PHP & MySQL Certification, Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate, Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree. These certifications are not targeted directly on CakePHP Developers, but they help to improve the skills in PHP, which are a must for effectively using the CakePHP framework
Why hire CakePHP developers?
CakePHP developers give a boost to web development by providing MVC architecture, code generation, and built-in tools. They make your applications scalable and highly performant, cutting down development time and cost. They guarantee the best coding, security, and performance practices for your site’s long-term benefits.
What is a CakePHP developer?
A CakePHP developer is a Software Engineer who writes server-side web application logic with the CakePHP framework. They most commonly work on back-end components, connecting the application to various (usually third-party) web services and supporting the front-end developers in integrating their work with the application.
Is CakePHP a good framework?
Yes, CakePHP is a good framework for many reasons. First of all, its MVC structure (Model-View-Controller) allows the development of business logic separately. Thus, it provides a tool for disciplined software engineering. Second, it contains a host of added security features, acting as an aid to the entire setup for web app development. Third, some advanced features include built-in support for unit tests and automatic mapping of objects to relational databases. Lastly, CakePHP is fully secure and lets you create user-friendly URLs and has in-package validation.
What is the difference between PHP and CakePHP?
The difference between PHP and CakePHP is that PHP is a programming language, and CakePHP is a PHP framework. Built on top of PHP, CakePHP simplifies and enhances the development process.
How does the no-risk trial period work for new clients?
If you are a new client and would like to use no-risk paid trial period in cooperation with Lemon.io – it can be up to 20 hours. This no-risk paid trial is allowing you to see how the developer works on the tasks before signing up for a subscription.
If the developer fails to meet expectations: for example, missed the deadlines, we’ll find a new remote developer for your startup with our zero-risk replacement guarantee.
Can I hire a CakePHP developer in less than 48 hours through Lemon.io?
You can hire a CakePHP Developer in 48 hours through Lemon.io. In 48 hours, our team will manually find you a CakePHP Developer in our pre-screened community – the CakePHP developer’s skills will be relevant to your requirements and preferences. Lemon.io works as a marketplace – we have a talent pool of pre-vetted CakePHP developers who can join the community exceptionally after completing these vetting stages: VideoAsk, completion of their me.lemon profile, a screening call with our recruiters that includes various technical questions, and a technical interview with our technical interviewers.
Q&A about hiring CakePHP developers
- Is CakePHP suitable for building large applications?
- What is the difference between CakePHP and PHP?
- How does CakePHP handle database migrations?
- What are the advantages of using CakePHP for web development?
- What is the difference between CakePHP and CodeIgniter?
- What is the difference between CakePHP and Symfony?
- What is the difference between CakePHP and Laravel?
- What is the difference between CakePHP and CodeIgniter in terms of performance?
- Will AI replace CakePHP developers?