What is the difference between Twig and Blade (Laravel’s templating engine)?
The question is about Twig
Both Twig and Blade deal with templating engines, but they focus on different frameworks and generally have different features. Twig is for PHP frameworks such as Symfony and Drupal. It embraces a clean, logic-less templating approach whereby presentation is separated from application logic. Out-of-the-box, Twig provides features such as template inheritance, filters, and automatic output escaping for security. Blade is the Laravel templating engine, and syntax and the Laravel ecosystem are so joint that using Laravel’s features like routing and middleware in the templates is very handy. Also, Blade provides an easy way to handle conditional statements or loops and even a system of directives (‘@if’, ‘@foreach’, etc.) very easily integrated with the backend of Laravel. While Twig is known for its strict syntax and security-focused features, Blade is more flexible and optimized for Laravel, which allows developers to build dynamic views inside Laravel applications with ease.