How does Tailwind CSS integrate with frameworks like React.js or Next.js?
The question is about Tailwind CSS
Tailwind CSS is best for frameworks like React.js and Next.js. These utility-first classes enable developers to style components directly in JSX, hence avoiding the usage of separate CSS files altogether. Installation via npm is quite easy, and configuration in the setup files of the project is very straightforward. Next.js for both Static Generation and Server-Side Rendering is efficiently supported by Tailwind CSS. Reuse styles with Tailwind’s ‘@apply’ directive inside component-level CSS files. The file ‘tailwind.config.js’ allows the developer to define custom themes and breakpoints, and include plugins specific to their project to make them more productive. Utility classes play nicely with syntax for component-based coding in React and Next.js, giving the developers speed and intelligence to work to the best of their abilities.